INGA is an Open Source Wireless Sensor Node for many different applications. INGA was developed at IBR as Inexpensive Node for General Applications and became part of many projects.
For further details we recommend to look at the WiKi.
Please refer to the Getting Started-Section in the WiKi.
The current hardware-release of INGA is 1.4. All relevant files (schematics, etc.) can be checked out of the SVN:
Contiki support for INGA can be checked out of our GIT repository:
All downloads can be found in the Download-Section in the WiKi.
![]() | An overview of INGA's specifications and general information on a flyer. (PDF, A4, double-sided, 501 kB) (printable version with higher resolution, 2.8 MB) | |
A short overview of INGA's specifications on a small flyer. (PDF, 1/3 A4, double-sided, 475 kB) (printable version with higher resolution, 1.7 MB) | ![]() |
Name | Phone | Room | |
Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | f.buesching[[at]] | +49-531-3913289 | 111 |
Prof. Dr. Ulf Kulau | kulau[[at]] | ||
Dr. Wolf-Bastian Pöttner | poettner[[at]] | ||
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | wolf[[at]] | +49-531-3913288 | 138 |
Title | Type | Supervisor | Status |
Development of ECG and GSR for INGA, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Prof. Dr. Ulf Kulau, Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | |
Integration von Beschleunigungssensoren in ein Body-Area-Network | Bachelor Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching, Matthias Gietzelt | finished ~2010 |
Disruption Tolerant Networking in Wireless Sensor Networks, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching, Dr. Wolf-Bastian Pöttner | finished ~2011 |
HiWi-Job: Pflege des Contiki-Repositories für INGA und weiteres | HiWi Job | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished |
Entwicklung eines universellen drahtlosen Sensorknotens | Project Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished ~2011 |
Development of a Localization and Alerting Infrastructure for a Clinical and Nursing Environment, ... | Master Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished ~2015 |
Comparison and evaluation of 9-Degrees-of-Freedom-Sensors for INGA Sensor node, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished |
Nutzung der ANT-Technologie mit INGA | Bachelor Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished ~2012 |
INGA Bluetooth Low Energy Interface, ... | Master Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching, Dr. Sebastian Schildt | finished |
Anbindung eines Smartphones an den INGA-Sensorknoten zum Versenden von Alarmmeldungen | Bachelor Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished ~2012 |
Datenreduktion in drahtlosen Sensornetzen | Diploma Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished ~2012 |
Anbindung des INGA-Sensorknotens an die Cooja-Simulationsumgebung | Other Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching, Dr. Wolf-Bastian Pöttner, Prof. Dr. Ulf Kulau | finished ~2014 |
Level measurement and communication in drainage systems, ... | Master Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching, Dr. Georg von Zengen | finished |
Umsetzung und Evaluation von Mechanismen zur Optimierung des Energieverbrauchs in drahtlosen Sensorknoten | Master Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished ~2012 |
Design, Preparation, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Field Study for Wireless Sensor Nodes | Master Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished 2013 |
High Speed Data Transmission in WSNs, ... | Master Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished |
Inexpensiv Node for Bed-Exit-Detection (I.N.B.E.D.) | Project Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished 2013 |
Unterbrechungstolerante Anbindung von Produktionsmaschinen an ein drahtloses Sensornetzwerk | Project Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching, Gerrit Bogdanski, Sebastian Thiede | finished 2013 |
Implementierung und Evaluation einer Verschlüsselung mit One-Time-Pads für BAN-Anwendungen mit INGA | Bachelor Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished 2013 |
POV-Bike-Lights | Project Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished 2013 |
Dateisysteme für Sensorknoten mit SD-Karten-Unterstützung | Master Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching, Dr. Wolf-Bastian Pöttner | finished ~2011 |
Grenzen bei der Erkennung von Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens aus Daten von SmartMetern | Bachelor Thesis | Klaus-Hendrik Wolf, Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished ~2012 |
Synchrone Datenaufzeichnung in Body-Area-Netzwerken | HiWi Job | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished ~2013 |
Ein verteiltes, sich selbst programmierendes Testbed für drahtlose Sensorknoten | Project Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching, Dr. Wolf-Bastian Pöttner | finished ~2012 |
USB-Optimizations for INGA, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished ~2012 |
Einsatz der Wiselib auf INGA-Sensorknoten in heterogenen Sensornetzen | Bachelor Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching, Dr. Alexander Kröller | finished ~2012 |
xINGA: Design and Implementation of a XMega based platform for the INGA sensor node, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching, Prof. Dr. Ulf Kulau | finished ~2012 |
INGAme: Advanced Interactive Game Controller powered by INGA | Project Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished ~2012 |
InPhase, ... | Master Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching, Stephan Rottmann, Dr. Georg von Zengen | finished |
Optimierung von µDTN | Diploma Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching, Dr. Wolf-Bastian Pöttner | finished ~2011 |
Building an airworthy Quadcopter, ... | Project Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished |
Design, Implementierung und Evaluation eines sicheren verteilten Datenspeichers für drahtlose Sensornetze | Master Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching, Dr. Dominik Schürmann | finished 2015 |
Dynamische und selbstorganisierte Kanalbelegung und Sendestärkenregelung von Sensornetzen in hoher räumlicher Konzentration | Master Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching, Dr. Wolf-Bastian Pöttner | finished 2013 |
Implementierung und Evaluierung eines Bundle-Protokolls für Sensorknoten | Studienarbeit | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching, Dr. Wolf-Bastian Pöttner | finished ~2010 |
Verschlüsselung in drahtlosen Sensornetzen | Studienarbeit | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished ~2011 |
Excitation-based in-network processing for Wireless Sensor Networks | Master Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished ~2014 |
Entwurf und Implementierung eines Systems zur drahtlosen Erfassung der Position von Rennfahrzeugen | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. Wolf-Bastian Pöttner, Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching | finished ~2013 |
Optimierung der Zuverlässigkeit und Energieeffizienz drahtloser Sensornetze durch Data-Clustering | Master Thesis | Prof. Dr. Ulf Kulau | finished ~2014 |
Scheduling von Peripheriespannung auf drahtlosen Sensorknoten | Project Thesis | Prof. Dr. Ulf Kulau, Stephan Friedrichs | finished ~2013 |
Statistical approach for the InPhase positioning system | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. Yannic Schröder, Dr. Georg von Zengen, Stephan Rottmann | finished ~2015 |
Anbindung des INGA-Sensorknotens an die Cooja-Simulationsumgebung | Diploma Thesis | Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching, Dr. Wolf-Bastian Pöttner | cancelled |
If you are interested in writing a thesis regarding this project, please feel free to contact Prof. Dr. Felix Büsching.
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