Title | Type | Supervisor | Status |
Integration und Abhärtung des Paxos Protokolls in Memcached++ | Bachelor Thesis | Arthur Martens | finished |
Fehlertoleranz Analyse mittels Fehlerinjektion - Fallstudie und Vergleich von Werkzeugen | Bachelor Thesis | Arthur Martens | finished |
Portierung mehrfädiger Anwendungen nach eCos RTOS | Bachelor Thesis | Arthur Martens | finished |
Design und Implementierung eines ZooKeeper Privacy Proxys | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. Stefan Brenner | finished |
Aspektorientierte Implementierung einer Objektwiederherstellung für replizierte Anwendungen | Bachelor Thesis | Arthur Martens | finished |
Storyboard v2.0: API-Design für ein Determinismus-Framework | Bachelor Thesis | Arthur Martens | finished |
Visualization of Magnetic Tracer Measurements | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. Björn Cassens | finished |
System Support for Instant On/Off Switching Utilizing NVRAM | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. Björn Cassens | finished |
Erweiterung der Typunterstützung innerhalb des SEEP-Frameworks um Datenstrukturen | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. Björn Cassens | finished |
Abhärtung von persistenten Heap-Speicher mit Hilfe von Transaktionen | Bachelor Thesis | Arthur Martens | finished ~2016 |
Smart service state partitioning in BFT | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. Bijun Li, Wenbo Xu | finished |
Visualization of Memory Access Patterns | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. Björn Cassens | finished |
Implementation of Simulation Markers in Gem5 | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. Björn Cassens | finished |
Anwendungspartitionierung und vertrauenswürdige Ausführung auf Intel SGX | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. Stefan Brenner | finished |
Sichere Ausführung von Vert.X Mikro-Services | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. Stefan Brenner | finished |
Aufbau zur Untersuchung der Einflüsse durch die Nutzung unterschiedlicher Speicher Technologien | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. Björn Cassens | finished |
Byzantine agreement service on distributed embedded systems | Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis, Project Thesis | Wenbo Xu | finished |
Implementierung eines Linux Treibers für die Verwaltung von persistenten Speicher | Bachelor Thesis | Arthur Martens | finished |
Implementierung einer Speicherallokation für nichtflüchtigen RAM | Bachelor Thesis | Arthur Martens | finished |
Implementierung von robusten, atomaren Datenstrukturen in einem Linux-Kernel-Modul | Bachelor Thesis | Arthur Martens | finished ~2017 |
Browser-Integration einer gehärteten JavaScript Umgebung | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. David Goltzsche | finished |
Aspect!FI: AspectC++ Induced Fault Injection | Bachelor Thesis | Arthur Martens | finished ~2018 |
Machine Learning inside SGX enclaves | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. David Goltzsche | finished |
Improve Dynamic State Partitioning in Parallel BFT Systems | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. Bijun Li | finished |
Web-CMS Migration | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. David Goltzsche | finished |
Entwicklung bzw. Portierung einer vertrauenswürdigen Webanwendung | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. David Goltzsche | finished |
Evaluation von WebAssembly Instruktionen | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. David Goltzsche | finished |
Collecting Time and Location Evidence on Smartphones, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Signe Rüsch | finished |
Low Latency Byzantine Agreement using RDMA, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Signe Rüsch, Ines Messadi | finished |
Integration of a BFT consensus protocol in Hyperledger Fabric, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Signe Rüsch | finished |
A continuous integration approach to enable the sustainable development of a Byzantine fault-tolerant framework | Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis, Project Thesis | Ines Messadi | finished |
Serverless Mobile Agents: Das Beste beider Welten, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Manuel Nieke | finished |
Enabling peer-to-peer communication between cooperative trusted web applications | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. David Goltzsche | finished |
Design and Implementation of a Ranking System with Gamification Elements, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. David Goltzsche, Signe Rüsch | finished |
Kernel as a Service - Custom tailored kernels for the cloud | Bachelor Thesis | Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kapitza | finished 2013 |
Pluggable Applications in Intel SGX Enclaves, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Nico Weichbrodt | finished |
Development of a SGX Enclave Performance Analysis Tool, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Nico Weichbrodt, Arthur Martens | finished |
Support for Intel SGX v2 in the SGX SDK, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Nico Weichbrodt | finished |
Developement of a comprehensive life-cycle approach of Research software | Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis, Project Thesis | Ines Messadi | finished ~2020 |
Scalability of Chaincode Applications in the Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain, ... | Bachelor Thesis, Project Thesis | Signe Rüsch | |
Data Analysis of Location Traces, ... | Bachelor Thesis, Project Thesis | Signe Rüsch | |
Datenzugriffsanalyse für Rust-Anwendungen | Bachelor Thesis | Manuel Nieke | finished ~2020 |
Implementation of an IoT Application for Security Analysis, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Manuel Nieke | finished ~2020 |
Integrating a Blockchain Application into the Social Media Platform Twitter, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Signe Rüsch | finished ~2020 |
Design and Implementation of an Embedded Blockchain in Train Systems, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Signe Rüsch, Ines Messadi | finished ~2020 |
Security-Aware Application Partitioning in Rust Using Intel SGX, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Signe Rüsch | finished ~2020 |
Automated Partitioning for Rust Applications, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Manuel Nieke | finished ~2020 |
ARM TrustZone-based Byzantine Agreement | Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis, Project Thesis | Ines Messadi, Signe Rüsch | finished ~2021 |
Clientseitige Verifizierung von Entfernten Attestierungen in Webdiensten | Bachelor Thesis | Dr. David Goltzsche | finished ~2021 |
Partitioning System-Calls Execution of WebAssembly-Applications Running on AMD-SEV VMs, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Mohammad Mahhouk | finished ~2021 |
Implementierung von symmetrischen kryptographischen Verfahren in einem Rust-basierten BFT-Framework | Bachelor Thesis | Kai Bleeke, Signe Rüsch | finished ~2021 |
Implementing C variant enclaves in a rust-based BFT framework | Bachelor Thesis, Project Thesis | Ines Messadi | finished |
Datentransparenz und Rückverfolgung von Produkten in globalen Lieferketten durch Blockchain | Bachelor Thesis | Signe Rüsch, Maximilian Rolinck | finished ~2021 |
Literature Analysis of BFT Protocol Scalability in Blockchains, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Signe Rüsch | finished ~2021 |
Implementing the Gosig Agreement Protocol in a Rust-Based BFT Framework | Bachelor Thesis | Signe Rüsch | finished ~2021 |
Implementing a Privacy-Preserving Contact Tracing Approach for Interactive Event Verification | Bachelor Thesis | Signe Rüsch | finished ~2021 |
Extending SGXoMeter Framework with Support for a Variety of SGX-Based Applications, ... | Bachelor Thesis | Mohammad Mahhouk | finished ~2021 |
Integrating BFT framework into Hyperledger Fabric | Bachelor Thesis, Project Thesis | Ines Messadi | finished ~2022 |
Implementing the Mir-BFT Agreement Protocol in a Rust-Based BFT Framework | Bachelor Thesis | Signe Rüsch | finished ~2022 |
Verlässliche Nachrichtenübertragung in einem Rust-basierten BFT-Framework | Bachelor Thesis, Project Thesis | Kai Bleeke | finished ~2021 |
Implementierung des Einigungsprotokolls Hotstuff in einem Rust-basierten BFT-Framework | Bachelor Thesis | Kai Bleeke | finished ~2021 |
Implementierung und Vergleich von austauschbaren Binärformaten für Netzwerknachrichten in einem Rust-basierten BFT-Framework | Bachelor Thesis, Project Thesis | Kai Bleeke | finished ~2021 |
Implementation of a Tree Structure for the Formal Verification Tool Ivy | Bachelor Thesis | Arne Vogel | finished ~2022 |
Keystone on the SiFive Unmatched | Bachelor Thesis | Kai Bleeke | finished |
Erweiterung von Apache ZooKeeper um eine adaptive Migrationsmöglichkeit auf Basis zeitgebundener Referenzen | Master Thesis | Dr. Stefan Brenner | finished |
High availability for Openstack based IaaS clouds | Master Thesis | Dr. Stefan Brenner | finished |
Sichere und effiziente Prozessreplikation auf einem System unter widrigen Bedingungen | Master Thesis | Arthur Martens | finished |
Standing on Own Feet: Systematic Analysis of Communication Approaches for a Next-Generation BFT System, ... | Master Thesis | Johannes Behl | finished |
Looking for a MOM: Assessing Existing Message-Oriented Middlewares in the Context of a Next-Generation BFT System, ... | Master Thesis | Johannes Behl | finished |
CheapBFT: Hardware TCP/IP Integration for High Performance Applications | Master Thesis | Dr. Björn Cassens | finished |
Providing system support for multi-threaded SGX-based services | Master Thesis | Dr. Stefan Brenner | finished |
A Lightweight System for Data Leakage Detection in Cloud Computing | Master Thesis | Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kapitza | finished |
Integrated Tool Support for Energy-Aware Programming | Master Thesis | Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kapitza | finished |
Linux Kernel Attack Surface Reduction Measurement | Master Thesis | Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kapitza | finished |
Pervasive Profile-Based Energy Analysis of a Sensor Node Operating System | Master Thesis | Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kapitza | finished |
A Multi-leader Approach of Byzantine Fault Tolerance | Master Thesis | Dr. Bijun Li | finished |
Remote Attestation in a multi-tenant and TrustZone-protected cloud | Master Thesis | Dr. Stefan Brenner | finished |
Novel Network Traffic Analysis using Intel SGX, ... | Master Thesis | Dr. David Goltzsche | finished |
Design and implementation of trusted applications applying the ARM TrustZone hardware extensions | Master Thesis | Dr. Stefan Brenner | finished |
Ein Angriff auf TESLA-gesicherte Zeitsynchronisationsprotokolle | Master Thesis | Dr. David Goltzsche | finished |
Absicherung eines JavaScript Interpreters mit Intel SGX | Master Thesis | Dr. David Goltzsche | finished |
Development of a Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Replicated Database for Multi-Core Environments, ... | Master Thesis | Johannes Behl | finished |
Realisation of a Consensus-Oriented Parallelisation for Multi-Core Environments using Apache ZooKeeper, ... | Master Thesis | Johannes Behl | finished |
Development of a Memory Controller in Gem5 | Master Thesis | Dr. Björn Cassens | finished |
Automated Deployment and Evaluation of BFT Systems Using a Metal-as-a-Service Cloud | Master Thesis | Dr. Bijun Li | finished |
Characterization and Benchmarking of Current Blockchains, ... | Master Thesis | Signe Rüsch | finished |
Fault-Injection-Based Assessment of Fault Tolerance Measures with FAIL* | Master Thesis | Arthur Martens | finished ~2018 |
Leistungs- und Skalierungsoptimierung von DeNoVo-Malloc durch Hardwarebeschleunigung und gezielte Codeanpassung an transaktionalen Speicher | Master Thesis | Arthur Martens | finished ~2018 |
Automated Deployment and Evaluation of Fault Tolerant Systems Using a Metal-as-a-Service Cloud | Master Thesis | Dr. Bijun Li | finished |
Implementierung eines FPGA basierendes High-Speed Debugging Interfaces | Master Thesis, Project Thesis | Dr. Björn Cassens | finished |
Cloud-scale Trusted Execution on the ARM Juno Development Kit | Master Thesis | Dr. Stefan Brenner | finished |
Trusted Location Traces in Blockchains, ... | Master Thesis | Signe Rüsch | finished |
Secure Volunteer Computing | Master Thesis | Dr. David Goltzsche | finished |
Porting a minimal Java Runtime Environment to an Intel SGX Platform, ... | Master Thesis | Nico Weichbrodt | finished |
Fast Inter-Enclave Communication with Intel SGX, ... | Master Thesis | Nico Weichbrodt | finished |
FaaS in TrustJS | Master Thesis | Dr. David Goltzsche | finished ~2019 |
Development of a better paging algorithm for Intel SGX enclaves, ... | Master Thesis | Nico Weichbrodt | finished |
A Web Framework for Partition Trusted Web Applications | Master Thesis | Dr. David Goltzsche | finished ~2020 |
Multi-Enclave BFT Protocols, ... | Master Thesis | Signe Rüsch, Ines Messadi | finished ~2019 |
Development of a fast distributed Key-Value Store with Integrity verification | Master Thesis | Ines Messadi | finished ~2020 |
Improving the Scalability of BFT Protocols, ... | Master Thesis | Signe Rüsch | finished |
Continuous Code Re-Randomisation at Runtime for Intel SGX Enclaves, ... | Master Thesis | Nico Weichbrodt | finished ~2020 |
A Framework for Dynamic WebAssembly Applications, ... | Master Thesis | Manuel Nieke | finished ~2020 |
FaaS Attestation | Master Thesis | Dr. David Goltzsche | finished ~2020 |
Design and Implementation of Byzantine Consensus with Bus Communication in Rust | Master Thesis | Signe Rüsch | finished ~2020 |
A WebAssembly-based environment for the flexible transformation of OPC UA models, ... | Master Thesis | Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kapitza | finished ~2021 |
Development of a Deployment Framework for Partitioned WebAssembly Applications on AMD-SEV VMs, ... | Master Thesis | Mohammad Mahhouk, Manuel Nieke | finished ~2021 |
Securing a Mobile Agents Platform with Keystone, ... | Master Thesis | Manuel Nieke | finished ~2021 |
Live Migration for Secure Mobile Agents | Master Thesis | Manuel Nieke | finished ~2021 |
Protecting against Synchronisation Attacks with User Level Threading, ... | Master Thesis | Manuel Nieke | finished ~2021 |
Formal Verification of a Byzantine Agreement Protocol | Master Thesis | Signe Rüsch | finished ~2021 |
Building Agreement protocols with RDMA in Rust | Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis, Project Thesis | Ines Messadi | finished |
Increasing BFT resilience using multiple Trusted Execution Environments | Master Thesis | Ines Messadi | finished ~2021 |
Interoperability between Heterogeneous and Distributed Modules in WebAssembly, ... | Master Thesis | Mohammad Mahhouk | finished ~2021 |
Development of a Framework for the Evaluation of Distributed Systems, ... | Project Thesis | Johannes Behl | finished |
Design and Implementation of a Framework for Command-line-Interface Applications in Python, ... | Project Thesis | Johannes Behl | finished |
Vertrauenswürdige Ausführung von map und reduce in Hadoop MapReduce | Project Thesis | Dr. Stefan Brenner | finished |
Verschlüsselte Datenspeicherung und Schlüsselwortsuche in Hadoop MapReduce | Project Thesis | Dr. Stefan Brenner | finished |
Porting the TrApps Framework to the ARM Juno Development Board | Project Thesis | Dr. Stefan Brenner | finished |
Vertrauenswürdige Docker Anwendungen in OpenStack | Project Thesis | Dr. Stefan Brenner | finished |
Dynamic state partitioning in Byzantine Fault Tolerance system | Project Thesis | Dr. Bijun Li, Wenbo Xu | finished |
Sprachunterstützte Partitionierung von vertrauenswürdigen Webanwendungen | Project Thesis | Dr. David Goltzsche | finished |
Trustworthy Recording of Media Files using Blockchains, ... | Project Thesis | Signe Rüsch | finished |
Implementierung einer FPGA basierenden Datenakquisition | Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis, Project Thesis | Dr. Björn Cassens | cancelled |
Implementierung und Evaluation eines generischen Proxies für vertrauenswürdige Webanwendungen | Project Thesis | Dr. David Goltzsche | finished |
Development of an SGX-aware Benchmarking Suite, ... | Project Thesis | Nico Weichbrodt | finished |
Protecting the Click Modular Router with Intel SGX | Project Thesis | Dr. David Goltzsche | finished |
Securing a Mobile Agents Platform, ... | Project Thesis | Manuel Nieke | finished ~2020 |
FaaS Attestation | Project Thesis | Dr. David Goltzsche | finished ~2020 |
Extending Rust-WebAssembly Support for Multithreading and Networking | Project Thesis | Mohammad Mahhouk, Ines Messadi | finished ~2021 |
Implementation of a Byzantine Agreement Scheme in Rust | Project Thesis | Signe Rüsch | finished |
Partitioning a TPC-W Benchmark in multiple WebAssembly Modules , ... | Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis, Project Thesis | Mohammad Mahhouk | |
Incremental E/Mail Security using Intel SGX , ... | Bachelor Thesis, Project Thesis | Mohammad Mahhouk | |
Automatic Application Partitioning for Trusted Execution | Team Project Thesis | Dr. Stefan Brenner | finished |
Private Websuche mit Intel SGX | Team Project Thesis | Dr. Stefan Brenner | finished |
Demonstrator for Consensus Protocols in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks | Team Project Thesis | Martin Wegner, Wenbo Xu | finished ~2016 |
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Universitätsplatz 2
38106 Braunschweig
P. O. Box: 38092 Braunschweig
Phone: +49 (0) 531 391-0