After my time as a student (1990-1999) and research staff member (1999-2004) at the institute, researching in network and systems management, I switched in October 2004 to a more practical profession as a technical staff member, responsible for network and systems administration.
Jasmin: In the joint Jasmin project between TU Braunschweig and the NEC Network Laboratories, Europe from 1998 to August 2001 a prototype implementation of the IETF Script MIB (RFC 3165) has been developed. Based on it, the concepts of the Script MIB and the Jasmin architecture have been evaluated, several enhancements have been added, and a concept for policy-based management based on the Script-MIB has been developed.
LibSMI: As a practical part of my diploma thesis a software library for the management and access of MIB management information has been developed. libsmi was released in June 1999 under an open source license. Since then, it is still being maintained and enhanced. E.g., it contains a number of tools for MIB authors, reviewers and implementors.
WS 1999/2000: | Seminar Verteilte Systeme und Netzwerkmanagement |
SS 2000: | Software-Entwicklungspraktikum (Verteilte Systeme) |
WS 2000/2001: | Seminar Verteilte Systeme und Netzwerkmanagement |
SS 2001: | - |
WS 2001/2002: | Seminar Verteilte Systeme und Netzwerkmanagement, Übungen zur Vorlesung Verteilte Systeme, Übungen zur Vorlesung Web-Anwendungen mit Java und XML |
SS 2002: | Praktikum Verteilte Systeme, Übungen zur Vorlesung Betriebssysteme und Netze |
WS 2002/2003: | Übungen zur Vorlesung Verteilte Systeme |
SS 2003: | Praktikum Verteilte Systeme |
WS 2002/2003: | Übungen zur Vorlesung Verteilte Systeme |
Title | Type | Supervisor | Status |
Entwicklung einer Web-basierten Bibliotheksverwaltung | Studienarbeit | <> | finished ~2002 |
Portierung von Jasmin auf den UCD-SNMP Agenten | Studienarbeit | <> | finished ~1999 |
Eine Replizierende Middleware für Java Container-Klassen | Studienarbeit | <> | finished ~2001 |
Ein Java-basiertes Peer-To-Peer System | Studienarbeit | <> | finished ~2001 |
Linux Kernel AgentX Sub-Agents | Diploma Thesis | <> | finished ~2002 |
Das `Management by Delegation' Modell in Middleware-Systemen am Beispiel von CORBA | Diploma Thesis | <> | finished ~1999 |
Policy-basiertes Konfigurationsmanagement auf Basis der Jasmin Script-MIB Implementation | Diploma Thesis | <> | finished ~2001 |
Entwurf und Implementierung eines SNMP/XML Gateways | Studienarbeit | <> | finished ~2002 |
Entwicklung eines SPPI-Parsers für die LIBSMI | Studienarbeit | <> | finished ~2002 |
Optimierung eines MIB-Compilers für den NET-SNMP Agenten | Studienarbeit | <> | cancelled |
Applikationsentwicklung für Wearable PCs | Studienarbeit | <> | cancelled |
IPsec Key Management | Diploma Thesis | <> | finished ~2002 |
Web Services im Internet Management | Diploma Thesis | <> | finished ~2003 |
Implementierung und Evaluierung eines SOAP/BEEP Mappings | Studienarbeit | <> | finished ~2002 |
Entwicklung eines SVG-basierten MIB Navigators | Diploma Thesis | <> | finished ~2005 |
Entwicklung eines Videoüberwachungssystems | HiWi Job | <> | finished ~2008 |
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