Titel | Dozent | LP | SWS |
Seminar Connected and Mobile Systems (Bachelor) | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 0+2 |
Seminar Connected and Mobile Systems (Master) | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 0+2 |
Titel | Dozent | LP | SWS |
Seminar Connected and Mobile Systems (Bachelor) | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 0+2 |
Seminar Connected and Mobile Systems (Master) | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 0+2 |
Titel | Dozent | LP | SWS |
Seminar Connected and Mobile Systems (Bachelor) | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 0+2 |
Seminar Connected and Mobile Systems (Master) | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 0+2 |
Wireless Networking Lab -- Praktikum Wireless Sensor Networks | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 4 |
Titel | Dozent | LP | SWS |
Seminar Connected and Mobile Systems: Robust Networked Systems (Bachelor) | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 0+2 |
Titel | Dozent | LP | SWS |
Wireless Networking Lab -- Praktikum Wireless Sensor Networks | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 4 |
Titel | Dozent | LP | SWS |
Computernetze 2 | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 2+2 |
Titel | Dozent | LP | SWS |
Computernetze 1 | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 2+2 |
Titel | Dozent | LP | SWS |
Titel | Dozent | LP | SWS |
Computernetze 1 | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 2+2 |
Wireless Networking Lab -- Praktikum Wireless Sensor Networks | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 4 |
Titel | Dozent | LP | SWS |
Wireless Networking Lab -- Praktikum Wireless Sensor Networks | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 4 |
Titel | Dozent | LP | SWS |
Praktikum: Wireless Sensor Networks | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Wolf | 5 | 4 |