Semester | |
Studiengang | Informatik Bachelor |
IBR Gruppe | ALG (Prof. Fekete) |
Art | Vorlesung & Übung |
Dozent | |
Assistent | |
Hiwi | |
LP | 5 |
SWS | 0+3 |
Ort & Zeit | Tuesdays, 16:45-19:00, IZ 305. |
Beginn | 07.11.2023 |
Voraussetzungen | Zwingend erforderlich sind der souveräne Umgang mit dem Stoff aus Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen, gute Programmierkenntnisse (insb. Python), sowie Teamfähigkeit. Hilfreich, aber nicht zwingend erforderlich sind Wahlpflichtveranstaltungen der Algorithmik, wie zum Beispiel Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen 2, Netzwerkalgorithmen, , Algorithm Engineering oder Mathematische Methoden der Algorithmik. |
Sprache | Deutsch |
Anmeldung | To register for this module, please sign up for the mailing list. At the beginning of the semester, you will get a mail with the details for kickoff meeting. The course is full and no further sign ups are accepted. Everyone already on the mailing list is accepted if the kick-off meeting for the group assignment is atteneded. The lab can be either attended as a normal lab (Wahlpflichtbereich) or as team project. |
Inhalt | Optimization problems occur in many practical applications of computer science, such as planning routes or scheduling jobs. Some of them, e.g. shortest paths, are easy to solve to optimality, at least with the proper theoretical background. Many of them are not and can be proved to be NP-hard, i.e., there is probably no algorithm that can solve every instance of the problem efficiently to provable optimality. The most common tactic for these cases is to just implement a heuristic, e.g., a genetic algorithm. But is there really no hope for an optimal algorithm? During this lab, we will investigate three techniques that can actually compute optimal solutions in reasonable time for instances of reasonable size for many problems. These techniques are:
A trained algorithm engineer or operations researcher is actually able to model most combinatorial optimization problems with one of these techniques, even if they contain complex constraints or objective functions. At the end of the semester, you will be able to solve many problems with these tools, too. Of course it is not just about how well a problem can be modelled but also, how effective the underlying engine can solve it; these are NP-hard problems after all. StructureThe lab consists of four sheets and a final project.
In a final project, your team has to get creative and develop a solver for an NP-hard optimization problem of your choice. We will help you select one. The content may still change. Do not expect the identical content of previous semesters. |
Literatur/Links |