Contiki 2.5
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12345]
oThe CTK VNC server
oCTK graphical user interfaceThe Contiki Toolkit (CTK) provides the graphical user interface for the Contiki system
|oCTK device driver functionsThe CTK device driver functions are divided into two modules, the ctk-draw module and the ctk-arch module
|oCTK events
|\CTK application functionsThe CTK functions used by an application program
oLogging subsystemThe logging subsystem allows different logdomains to be configured
oBest-effort multihop forwardingThe rmh module implements a multihop forwarding mechanism
oSingle-hop reliable bulk data transferThe rudolph2 module implements a single-hop reliable bulk data transfer mechanism
oStatistics module
oFunction quick reference
|oAnalog Digital Converter (ADC)
|oI2C-Bus Driver
|oMaster SPI Bus Driver (MSPI)
|\Master SPI Bus Manager
|oAccelerometer Interface (ADXL345)
|oAtmel Flash EEPROM AT45DB interface
|oMicroSD Card Interface
|oST L3G4200D 3-axis Gyroscope interface
|oBMP085 Digital Pressure Sensor
|\Pressure Sensor (Barometer) MPL115A
ouIP type definitions
oThe Contiki build system
oDevice driver APIs
|oEEPROM APIThe EEPROM API defines a common interface for EEPROM access on Contiki platforms
|oLEDs APIThe LEDs API defines a set of functions for accessing LEDs for Contiki plaforms with LEDs
|\Radio APIThe radio API module defines a set of functions that a radio device driver must implement
|oCyclic Redundancy Check 16 (CRC16) calculationThe Cyclic Redundancy Check 16 is a hash function that produces a checksum that is used to detect errors in transmissions
|oLinked list libraryThe linked list library provides a set of functions for manipulating linked lists
|oTable-driven Manchester encoding and decodingManchester encoding is a bit encoding scheme which translates each bit into two bits: the original bit and the inverted bit
|\Ring buffer libraryThe ring buffer library implements ring (circular) buffer where bytes can be read and written independently
oMemory functions
|oMemory block management functionsThe memory block allocation routines provide a simple yet powerful set of functions for managing a set of memory blocks of fixed size
|\Managed memory allocatorThe managed memory allocator is a fragmentation-free memory manager
oCommunication stacks
|ouDTN: Bundle Protocol stack
|oThe Rime communication stackThe Rime communication stack provides a set of lightweight communication primitives ranging from best-effort anonymous local area broadcast to reliable network flooding
|\The uIP TCP/IP stackThe uIP TCP/IP stack provides Internet communication abilities to Contiki
oContiki platforms
|oThe ESB Embedded Sensor BoardThe ESB (Embedded Sensor Board) is a prototype wireless sensor network device developed at FU Berlin
|oThe Modular Sensor BoardThe Modular Sensor Board (MSB430) was developed by FU-Berlin and was added as a platform in Contiki in the spring of 2007
|oThe Tmote Sky BoardThe Tmote Sky platform is a wireless sensor board from Moteiv
|\RZRAVEN USB Stick (Jackdaw)
oContiki system
|oThe Contiki file system interfaceThe Contiki file system interface (CFS) defines an abstract API for reading directories and for reading and writing files
|oImplicit network time synchronizationThis crude and simple network time synchronization module synchronizes clocks of all nodes in a network
|oArgument bufferThe argument buffer can be used when passing an argument from an exiting process to a process that has not been created yet
|oClock libraryThe clock library is the interface between Contiki and the platform specific clock functionality
|oCommunication power accountingThe compower module accumulates power consumption information and attributes it to communication activities
|oCallback timerThe ctimer module provides a timer mechanism that calls a specified C function when a ctimer expires
|oEvent timersEvent timers provides a way to generate timed events
|oThe Contiki program loaderThe Contiki program loader is an abstract interface for loading and starting programs
|oMulti-threading libraryThe event driven Contiki kernel does not provide multi-threading by itself - instead, preemptive multi-threading is implemented as a library that optionally can be linked with applications
|oContiki processesA process in Contiki consists of a single protothread
|oReal-time task schedulingThe real-time module handles the scheduling and execution of real-time tasks (with predictable execution times)
|oSeconds timer libraryThe stimer library provides functions for setting, resetting and restarting timers, and for checking if a timer has expired
|oContiki subprocessesA Contiki subprocess is a "process-in-a-process"
|oTimer libraryThe Contiki kernel does not provide support for timed events
|\ProtothreadsProtothreads are a type of lightweight stackless threads designed for severly memory constrained systems such as deeply embedded systems or sensor network nodes
oTutorialsThis module contains all Contiki related tutorials
|\Running Contiki with uIPv6 and SICSlowpan support on Atmel RAVEN hardwareThis tutorial explains how to run Contiki with IPv6 and 6lowpan support on Atmel RAVEN hardware
|\PLL MacrosThese functions allow to control the PLL
oWirelessThis module contains the radio driver code for the Atmel AT86RF230, '231, and '212 chips
|oRF230 MACThe equivalent IEEE 802.15.4 (2003/2006) header file for the mac primitives
|oRF230 Frame handling
|oRF230 hardware level driversHAL function names have the following conventions:
|\RF230 interface
oStatus_codesMany StZNet API functions return an ::StStatus value to indicate the success or failure of the call
oAdcSample A/D converter driver
oLedSample API funtions for controlling LEDs
oMicroMany of the supplied example applications use these microcontroller functions
oSystem_timerFunctions that provide access to the system clock
oFlashDefinition and description of public flash manipulation routines
oNvmData definitions for the Cortex-M3 Non-Volatile Memory data storage system
oGnuCompiler and Platform specific definitions and typedefs for the GNU C ARM compiler
oIarCompiler and Platform specific definitions and typedefs for the IAR ARM C compiler
oBoardST board abstraction layer
oPlatform_commonCompiler and Platform specific definitions and typedefs common to all platforms
oRavenThis module contains code to interface a Contiki-based project on the AVR Raven platform's ATMega1284P chip to the LCD driver chip (ATMega3290P) on the Raven
|\Serial interface between Raven processors
oStorageMSP430 Infomemory Storage
\InterfacesUART interface
 \UART1The UART module multiplexes differenct protocol on the MSB's UART1 interface