Contiki 2.5
CPU architecture configuration

The CPU architecture configuration is where the endianess of the CPU on which uIP is to be run is specified. More...


 The byte order of the CPU architecture on which uIP is to be run. More...

Detailed Description

The CPU architecture configuration is where the endianess of the CPU on which uIP is to be run is specified.

Most CPUs today are little endian, and the most notable exception are the Motorolas which are big endian. The BYTE_ORDER macro should be changed to reflect the CPU architecture on which uIP is to be run.

Macro Definition Documentation


The byte order of the CPU architecture on which uIP is to be run.

This option can be either UIP_BIG_ENDIAN (Motorola byte order) or UIP_LITTLE_ENDIAN (Intel byte order).

Definition at line 618 of file uipopt.h.