Contiki 2.5
USB pipe drivers

These macros manage the common features of the pipes. More...


#define Host_select_pipe(p)   (UPNUM = (U8)p)
 selects pipe for CPU interface
#define Host_get_selected_pipe()   (UPNUM )
 get the currently selected pipe number
#define Host_enable_pipe()   (UPCONX |= (1<<PEN))
 enables pipe
#define Host_disable_pipe()   (UPCONX &= ~(1<<PEN))
 disables pipe
#define Host_set_token_setup()   (UPCFG0X = UPCFG0X & ~MSK_TOKEN_SETUP)
 sets SETUP token
#define Host_set_token_in()   (UPCFG0X = (UPCFG0X & ~MSK_TOKEN_SETUP) | MSK_TOKEN_IN)
 sets IN token
#define Host_set_token_out()   (UPCFG0X = (UPCFG0X & ~MSK_TOKEN_SETUP) | MSK_TOKEN_OUT)
 sets OUT token
#define Host_get_endpoint_number()   (UPCFG0X & (MSK_PEPNUM))
 returns the number of the endpoint associated to the current pipe
#define Host_get_pipe_interrupt()   (UPINT)
 returns pipe interrupt register
#define Host_set_interrupt_frequency(frq)   (UPCFG2X = (U8)frq)
 sets the interrupt frequency
#define Is_pipe_configured()   (UPSTAX & (1<<CFGOK))
 tests if current pipe is configured
#define Is_host_one_bank_busy()   ((UPSTAX & (1<<MSK_NBUSYBK)) != 0)
 tests if at least one bank is busy
#define Host_number_of_busy_bank()   (UPSTAX & (1<<MSK_NBUSYBK))
 returns the number of busy banks
#define Host_reset_pipe(p)   (UPRST = 1<<p , UPRST = 0)
 resets the pipe
#define Host_write_byte(dat)   (UPDATX = dat)
 writes a byte into the pipe FIFO
#define Host_read_byte()   (UPDATX)
 reads a byte from the pipe FIFO
#define Host_freeze_pipe()   (UPCONX |= (1<<PFREEZE))
 freezes the pipe
#define Host_unfreeze_pipe()   (UPCONX &= ~(1<<PFREEZE))
 un-freezees the pipe
#define Is_host_pipe_freeze()   (UPCONX & (1<<PFREEZE))
 tests if the current pipe is frozen
#define Host_reset_pipe_data_toggle()   (UPCONX |= (1<<RSTDT) )
 resets data toggle
#define Is_host_setup_sent()   ((UPINTX & (1<<TXSTPI)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
 tests if SETUP has been sent
#define Is_host_control_in_received()   ((UPINTX & (1<<RXINI)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
 tests if control IN has been received
#define Is_host_control_out_sent()   ((UPINTX & (1<<TXOUTI)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
 tests if control OUT has been sent
#define Is_host_stall()   ((UPINTX & (1<<RXSTALLI)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
 tests if a STALL has been received
#define Is_host_pipe_error()   ((UPINTX & (1<<PERRI)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
 tests if an error occurs on current pipe
#define Host_send_setup()   (UPINTX &= ~(1<<FIFOCON))
 sends a setup
#define Host_send_control_in()   (UPINTX &= ~(1<<FIFOCON))
 sends a control IN
#define Host_send_control_out()   (UPINTX &= ~(1<<FIFOCON))
 sends a control OUT
#define Host_ack_control_out()   (UPINTX &= ~(1<<TXOUTI))
 acks control OUT
#define Host_ack_control_in()   (UPINTX &= ~(1<<RXINI))
 acks control IN
#define Host_ack_setup()   (UPINTX &= ~(1<<TXSTPI))
 acks setup
#define Host_ack_stall()   (UPINTX &= ~(1<<RXSTALLI))
 acks STALL reception
#define Host_send_out()   (UPINTX &= ~(1<<FIFOCON))
 sends a OUT
#define Is_host_out_sent()   ((UPINTX & (1<<TXOUTI)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
 tests if OUT has been sent
#define Host_ack_out_sent()   (UPINTX &= ~(1<<TXOUTI))
 acks OUT sent
#define Is_host_in_received()   ((UPINTX & (1<<RXINI)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
 tests if IN received
#define Host_ack_in_received()   (UPINTX &= ~(1<<RXINI))
 acks IN reception
#define Host_send_in()   (UPINTX &= ~(1<<FIFOCON))
 sends a IN
#define Is_host_nak_received()   ((UPINTX & (1<<NAKEDI)) ? TRUE : FALSE)
 tests if nak handshake has been received
#define Host_ack_nak_received()   (UPINTX &= ~(1<<NAKEDI))
 acks NAk received sent
#define Is_host_read_enabled()   (UPINTX&(1<<RWAL))
 tests if endpoint read allowed
#define Is_host_write_enabled()   (UPINTX&(1<<RWAL))
 tests if endpoint read allowed
#define Host_standard_in_mode()   (UPCONX &= ~(1<<INMODE))
 sets IN in standard mode
#define Host_continuous_in_mode()   (UPCONX |= (1<<INMODE))
 sets IN in continuous mode
#define Host_in_request_number(in_num)   (UPINRQX = (U8)in_num)
 sets number of IN requests to perform before freeze
#define Host_get_in_request_number()   (UPINRQX)
 returns number of remaining IN requests
#define Host_data_length_U8()   (UPBCLX)
 returns number of bytes (8 bits)
#define Host_data_length_U16()   ((((U16)UPBCHX)<<8) | UPBCLX)
 returns number of bytes (16 bits)
#define Host_byte_counter()   Host_data_length_U16()
 for device compatibility
#define Host_byte_counter_8()   Host_data_length_U8()
 for device compatibility
#define Host_get_pipe_length()   ((U16)0x08 << ((UPCFG1X & MSK_PSIZE)>>4))
 returns the size of the current pipe
#define Host_get_pipe_type()   (UPCFG0X>>6)
 returns the type of the current pipe
#define Host_error_status()   (UPERRX & MSK_ERROR)
 tests if error occurs on pipe
#define Host_ack_all_errors()   (UPERRX = 0x00)
 acks all pipe error
#define Host_enable_transmit_interrupt()   (UPIENX |= (1<<TXOUTE))
 Enable pipe end transmission interrupt.
#define Host_disable_transmit_interrupt()   (UPIENX &= ~(1<<TXOUTE))
 Disable pipe end transmission interrupt.
#define Host_enable_receive_interrupt()   (UPIENX |= (1<<RXINE))
 Enable pipe reception interrupt.
#define Host_disable_receive_interrupt()   (UPIENX &= ~(1<<RXINE))
 Disable pipe recption interrupt.
#define Host_enable_stall_interrupt()   (UPIENX |= (1<<RXSTALLE))
 Enable pipe stall interrupt.
#define Host_disable_stall_interrupt()   (UPIENX &= ~(1<<RXSTALLE))
 Disable pipe stall interrupt.
#define Host_enable_error_interrupt()   (UPIENX |= (1<<PERRE))
 Enable pipe error interrupt.
#define Host_disable_error_interrupt()   (UPIENX &= ~(1<<PERRE))
 Disable pipe error interrupt.
#define Host_enable_nak_interrupt()   (UPIENX |= (1<<NAKEDE))
 Enable pipe NAK interrupt.
#define Host_disable_nak_interrupt()   (UPIENX &= ~(1<<NAKEDE))
 Disable pipe NAK interrupt.

Detailed Description

These macros manage the common features of the pipes.