Contiki 2.5

Sample A/D converter driver. More...

Sample A/D converter driver.

See adc.h for source code.

Stm32w108xx ADC driver support is preliminary and essentailly untested - please do not attempt to use this ADC driver on this platform.
Except for the Stm32w108xx, the StZNet stack does use these functions.

To use the ADC system, include this file and ensure that ::halInternalInitAdc() is called whenever the microcontroller is started.

A "user" is a separate thread of execution and usage. That is, internal St code is one user and clients are a different user. But a client that is calling the ADC in two different functions constitutes only one user, as long as the ADC access is not interleaved.

This code does not allow access to the continuous reading mode of the ADC, which some clients may require.

Many functions in this file return an ::StStatus value. See error-def.h for definitions of all ::StStatus return values.