Author | Frank Steinberg |
Keywords | network |
Categories | Administrivia |
Remote management of our servers is mainly based on
Machines (physical or virtual) may be maintained
IPMI The tool Host supervisors have some more priviledges, e.g.: Host supervisors can use IPMI "serial-over-lan" (SOL) to connect to the serial console: The following examples require IPMI access credentials and permissions, i.e. the authorization of Get a list of available IPMI commands: Power status: Get a serial console connection (SOL): SOL requires BIOS settings to connect COM1 to the BMC and some more IPMI settings: A symlink to TEMPLATE in /ibr/adm/fai/config/files/etc/init/ttyS0.conf may be used on FAI-maintained hosts to establish a serial console login. IPMI BMC configurationroot@x1:~# ipmitool lan print Set in Progress : Set Complete Auth Type Support : NONE MD2 MD5 PASSWORD Auth Type Enable : Callback : MD2 MD5 : User : MD2 MD5 : Operator : MD2 MD5 : Admin : MD2 MD5 : OEM : IP Address Source : DHCP Address IP Address : Subnet Mask : MAC Address : 90:b1:1c:17:2f:78 SNMP Community String : public IP Header : TTL=0x40 Flags=0x40 Precedence=0x00 TOS=0x10 BMC ARP Control : ARP Responses Enabled, Gratuitous ARP Disabled Gratituous ARP Intrvl : 2.0 seconds Default Gateway IP : Default Gateway MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:00 Backup Gateway IP : Backup Gateway MAC : 00:00:00:00:00:00 802.1q VLAN ID : Disabled 802.1q VLAN Priority : 0 RMCP+ Cipher Suites : 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 Cipher Suite Priv Max : Xaaaaaaaaaaaaaa : X=Cipher Suite Unused : c=CALLBACK : u=USER : o=OPERATOR : a=ADMIN : O=OEM root@x1:~# ipmitool lan set 1 vlan id 140 ## (only if VLAN on common eth0) root@x1:~# ipmitool lan set 1 ipsrc dhcp root@x1:~# ipmitool lan set 1 access on root@x1:~# ipmitool user list 1 ID Name Callin Link Auth IPMI Msg Channel Priv Limit 2 root true true true ADMINISTRATOR root@x1:~# ipmitool user set password 2 Password for user 2: XXXXX root@x1:~# ipmitool user test 2 16 Password for user 2: XXXXX Success root@x1:~# ipmitool user priv 2 4 1 root@x1:~# ipmitool user enable 2 root@x1:~# ipmitool channel info 1 Channel 0x1 info: Channel Medium Type : 802.3 LAN Channel Protocol Type : IPMB-1.0 Session Support : multi-session Active Session Count : 0 Protocol Vendor ID : 7154 Volatile(active) Settings Alerting : disabled Per-message Auth : disabled User Level Auth : disabled Access Mode : always available Non-Volatile Settings Alerting : disabled Per-message Auth : disabled User Level Auth : disabled Access Mode : always available root@x1:~# ipmitool channel setaccess 1 2 callin=on ipmi=on link=on privilege=4 --- for IPMI prometheus/grafana monitoring: root@x1:~# ipmitool user set username 3 monitoring root@x1:~# ipmitool user set password 3 Password for user 3: XXXXX root@x1:~# ipmitool user priv 3 2 1 root@x1:~# ipmitool user enable 3 root@x1:~# ipmitool channel setaccess 1 3 callin=on ipmi=on link=on privilege=2 BIOS settingsIBM x3650 |
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