Contiki 2.5
rime Directory Reference


file  abc.c [code]
    Anonymous best-effort local area Broad Cast (abc)

file  abc.h [code]
    Header file for the Rime module Anonymous BroadCast (abc)

file  announcement.c [code]
    Implementation of the announcement primitive

file  announcement.h [code]
    Header file for the announcement primitive

file  broadcast-announcement.c [code]
    An example announcement back-end, based on the broadcast primitive

file  broadcast-announcement.h [code]
    Neighbor discovery header file

file  broadcast.c [code]
    Identified best-effort local area broadcast (broadcast)

file  broadcast.h [code]
    Header file for identified best-effort local area broadcast

file  chameleon-bitopt.c [code]
    A Chameleon module that produces bit-optimized headers

file  chameleon-bitopt.h [code]
    A Chameleon module that produces bit-optimized headers

file  chameleon-raw.c [code]
    A Chameleon module that produces non-optimized headers

file  chameleon-raw.h [code]
    A Chameleon module that produces non-optimized headers

file  chameleon.c [code]
    Chameleon, Rime's header processing module

file  chameleon.h [code]
    Header file for Chameleon, Rime's header processing module

file  channel.c [code]
    Rime's channel abstraction

file  channel.h [code]
    Header file for Rime's channel abstraction

file  collect-link-estimate.c [code]
    Implementation of Collect link estimate based on ETX

file  collect-link-estimate.h [code]
    Header file for the Collect link estimate

file  collect-neighbor.c [code]
    Radio neighborhood management

file  collect-neighbor.h [code]
    Header file for the Contiki radio neighborhood management

file  collect.c [code]
    Tree-based hop-by-hop reliable data collection

file  collect.h [code]
    Header file for hop-by-hop reliable data collection

file  ipolite.c [code]
    Ipolite Anonymous best effort local area BroadCast (ipolite)

file  ipolite.h [code]
    Header file for Ipolite best effort local Broadcast (ipolite)

file  mesh.c [code]
    A mesh routing protocol

file  mesh.h [code]
    Header file for the Rime mesh routing protocol

file  multihop.c [code]
    Multihop forwarding

file  multihop.h [code]
    Multihop forwarding header file

file  neighbor-discovery.c [code]
    Neighbor discovery

file  neighbor-discovery.h [code]
    Neighbor discovery header file

file  netflood.c [code]
    Best-effort network flooding (netflood)

file  netflood.h [code]
    Header file for the best-effort network flooding (netflood)

file  polite-announcement.c [code]
    An example announcement back-end, based on the polite primitive

file  polite-announcement.h [code]
    Neighbor discovery header file

file  polite.c [code]
    Polite Anonymous best effort local area BroadCast (polite)

file  polite.h [code]
    Header file for Polite Anonymous best effort local Broadcast (polite)

file  rime-udp.c [code]
    A MAC protocol using UDP over IPv6.

file  rime-udp.h [code]
    A MAC protocol using UDP over IPv6.

file  rime.c [code]
    Rime initialization and common code

file  rimeaddr.c [code]
    Functions for manipulating Rime addresses

file  rimeaddr.h [code]
    Header file for the Rime address representation

file  rimestats.c [code]
    A brief description of what this file is.

file  rimestats.h [code]
    Header file for Rime statistics

file  rmh.c [code]
    Multihop forwarding

file  rmh.h [code]
    Multihop forwarding header file

file  route-discovery.c [code]
    Route discovery protocol

file  route-discovery.h [code]
    Header file for the Rime mesh routing protocol

file  route.c [code]
    Rime route table

file  route.h [code]
    Header file for the Rime route table

file  rucb.c [code]
    Reliable unicast bulk transfer

file  rucb.h [code]
    Header file for the reliable unicast bulk transfer module

file  rudolph0.c [code]
    Rudolph0: a simple block data flooding protocol

file  rudolph0.h [code]
    Header file for the single-hop reliable bulk data transfer module

file  rudolph1.c [code]
    Rudolph1: a simple block data flooding protocol

file  rudolph1.h [code]
    Header file for the multi-hop reliable bulk data transfer mechanism

file  rudolph2.c [code]
    Rudolph2: a simple block data flooding protocol

file  rudolph2.h [code]
    Header file for the single-hop reliable bulk data transfer module

file  runicast.c [code]
    Reliable unicast

file  runicast.h [code]
    Reliable unicast header file

file  stbroadcast.c [code]
    Implementation of the Rime module Stubborn Anonymous
    BroadCast (stbroadcast)

file  stbroadcast.h [code]
    Header file for the Rime module Stubborn Anonymous BroadCast (stbroadcast)

file  stunicast.c [code]
    Stubborn unicast

file  stunicast.h [code]
    Stubborn unicast header file

file  timesynch.c [code]
    A simple time synchronization mechanism

file  timesynch.h [code]
    Header file for a simple time synchronization mechanism

file  trickle.c [code]
    Trickle (reliable single source flooding) for Rime

file  trickle.h [code]
    Header file for Trickle (reliable single source flooding) for Rime

file  unicast.c [code]
    Single-hop unicast

file  unicast.h [code]
    Header file for Rime's single-hop unicast