Contiki 2.5
gnu.h File Reference

See Gnu for detailed documentation. More...

#include <stdarg.h>
#include "hal/micro/generic/compiler/platform-common.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


 Use the Master Program Memory Declarations from platform-common.h.
 Use the C Standard Library Memory Utilities from platform-common.h.
 Include platform-common.h last to pick up defaults and common definitions.
Portable segment names
#define __NO_INIT__   ".noinit"
 Portable segment names.
#define __INTVEC__   ".intvec"
#define __CSTACK__   "CSTACK"
#define __DATA_INIT__   ".data_init"
#define __DATA__   ".data"
#define __BSS__   ".bss"
#define __CONST__   ".rodata"
#define __TEXT__   ".text"
#define __TEXTRW_INIT__   ".textrw_init"
#define __TEXTRW__   ".textrw"
#define __FAT__   "FAT"
#define __NVM__   "NVM"


Master Variable Types

These are a set of typedefs to make the size of all variable declarations explicitly known.

typedef unsigned char boolean
 A typedef to make the size of the variable explicitly known.
typedef unsigned char int8u
typedef signed char int8s
typedef unsigned short int16u
typedef signed short int16s
typedef unsigned int int32u
typedef signed int int32s
typedef unsigned int PointerType


External Declarations

These are routines that are defined in certain header files that we don't want to include, e.g.


int abs (int I)
 Returns the absolute value of I (also called the magnitude of I). More...

Miscellaneous Macros

 A convenient method for code to know what endiannes processor it is running on. More...
#define NO_STRIPPING   /* __root ??? */
 A friendlier name for the compiler's intrinsic for not stripping.
#define __no_init   /*__attribute__((section (".noinit")))*/
#define EEPROM   errorerror
 A friendlier name for the compiler's intrinsic for eeprom reference.
#define __SOURCEFILE__   __FILE__
 The SOURCEFILE macro is used by asserts to list the filename if it isn't otherwise defined, set it to the compiler intrinsic which specifies the whole filename and path of the sourcefile.
#define assert(condition)   do { if (! (condition)) {while (1); }} while(0)
#define __delay_cycles(x)   please_use_halCommonDelayMicroseconds_instead_of_delay_cycles
 __delay_cycles() is an intrinsic IAR call; however, we have explicity disallowed it since it is too specific to the system clock. More...
 Set debug level based on whether or DEBUG is defined. More...
#define APPLICATION_IMAGE_START   ((u32) &__ApplicationFlashStart)
 Set the application start and end address. More...
#define APPLICATION_IMAGE_END   ((u32) &__ApplicationFlashEnd)
#define halResetWatchdog()   halInternalResetWatchDog()
#define UNUSED
 Define attribute to nothing since it isn't handled by IAR. More...
 Some platforms need to cast enum values that have the high bit set.
 Define the magic value that is interpreted by IAR C-SPY's Stack View.
#define RAMFUNC   __ramfunc
 Define a generic RAM function identifier to a compiler specific one.
#define NO_OPERATION()   __no_operation()
 Define a generic no operation identifier to a compiler specific one.
#define SET_REG_FIELD(reg, field, value)
 A convenience macro that makes it easy to change the field of a register to any value.
#define simulatedTimePasses()
 Stub for code not running in simulation.
#define simulatedTimePassesMs(x)
 Stub for code not running in simulation.
#define simulatedSerialTimePasses()
 Stub for code not running in simulation.
 Use the Divide and Modulus Operations from platform-common.h.
#define VAR_AT_SEGMENT(__variableDeclaration, __segmentName)   __variableDeclaration __attribute__ ((section (__segmentName)))
 Provide a portable way to specify the segment where a variable lives.
#define ALIGN_VAR(__variableDeclaration, alignment)   __variableDeclaration __attribute__ ((aligned(alignment)))
char __ApplicationFlashStart
char __ApplicationFlashEnd
void halInternalResetWatchDog (void)
 Macro to reset the watchdog timer. More...

Global Interrupt Manipulation Macros

Note: The special purpose BASEPRI register is used to enable and disable interrupts while permitting faults.

When BASEPRI is set to 1 no interrupts can trigger. The configurable faults (usage, memory management, and bus faults) can trigger if enabled as well as the always-enabled exceptions (reset, NMI and hard fault). When BASEPRI is set to 0, it is disabled, so any interrupt can triggger if its priority is higher than the current priority.

#define ATOMIC_LITE(blah)   ATOMIC(blah)
#define DECLARE_INTERRUPT_STATE   int8u _emIsrState
 This macro should be called in the local variable declarations section of any function which calls DISABLE_INTERRUPTS() or RESTORE_INTERRUPTS().
 Disable interrupts, saving the previous state so it can be later restored with RESTORE_INTERRUPTS(). More...
 Restore the global interrupt state previously saved by DISABLE_INTERRUPTS() More...
 Enable global interrupts without regard to the current or previous state.
 Disable global interrupts without regard to the current or previous state.
#define INTERRUPTS_ARE_OFF()   ( _basePriIsDisabled() )
#define INTERRUPTS_WERE_ON()   (_emIsrState == 0)
#define ATOMIC(blah)
 A block of code may be made atomic by wrapping it with this macro. More...
 Allows any pending interrupts to be executed. More...
#define SET_BASE_PRIORITY_LEVEL(basepri)
 Sets the base priority mask (BASEPRI) to the value passed, bit shifted up by PRIGROUP_POSITION+1. More...
int8u _readBasePri (void)
void _writeBasePri (int8u priority)
void _enableBasePri (void)
int8u _disableBasePri (void)
boolean _basePriIsDisabled (void)
void _setPriMask (void)
void _clearPriMask (void)

Detailed Description

See Gnu for detailed documentation.

Definition in file gnu.h.