Contiki 2.5
Data Structures | Macros
routing.h File Reference

this file defines the interface for routing modules More...

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "contiki.h"
#include "net/rime/rimeaddr.h"
#include "lib/memb.h"
#include "list.h"
#include "bundle.h"
#include "convergence_layer.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  route_t
 the route_t struct is used to inform the network interface which bundle should be transmitted to whicht node More...
struct  routing_driver
 Interface for routing modules. More...


#define ROUTING   routing_flooding
 Which routing driver are we going to use?
#define ROUTING_NEI_MEM   2
 For each bundle, how many neighbours to which the bundle has been sent before should be stored?
 Routing bundle Flags.
#define ROUTING_STATUS_OK   0x01
 Routing sent status reports.

Detailed Description

this file defines the interface for routing modules

Georg von Zengen
Wolf-Bastian Poettner poett.nosp@m.ner@.nosp@m.ibr.c.nosp@m.s.tu.nosp@m.-bs.d.nosp@m.e

Definition in file routing.h.