Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes
AsyncSocket Class Reference

#import <AsyncSocket.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

(id) - init
(id) - initWithDelegate:
(id) - initWithDelegate:userData:
(NSString *) - description
(id) - delegate
 Use "canSafelySetDelegate" to see if there is any pending business (reads and writes) with the current delegate before changing it.
(BOOL) - canSafelySetDelegate
(void) - setDelegate:
(long) - userData
(void) - setUserData:
(CFSocketRef) - getCFSocket
(CFReadStreamRef) - getCFReadStream
(CFWriteStreamRef) - getCFWriteStream
(BOOL) - acceptOnPort:error:
 Tells the socket to begin listening and accepting connections on the given port.
(BOOL) - acceptOnInterface:port:error:
 This method is the same as acceptOnPort:error: with the additional option of specifying which interface to listen on.
(BOOL) - connectToHost:onPort:error:
 Connects to the given host and port.
(BOOL) - connectToHost:onPort:withTimeout:error:
 This method is the same as connectToHost:onPort:error: with an additional timeout option.
(BOOL) - connectToAddress:error:
 Connects to the given address, specified as a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object.
(BOOL) - connectToAddress:withTimeout:error:
 This method is the same as connectToAddress:error: with an additional timeout option.
(BOOL) - connectToAddress:viaInterfaceAddress:withTimeout:error:
 This method is similar to the one above, but allows you to specify which socket interface the connection should run over.
(void) - disconnect
 Disconnects immediately.
(void) - disconnectAfterReading
 Disconnects after all pending reads have completed.
(void) - disconnectAfterWriting
 Disconnects after all pending writes have completed.
(void) - disconnectAfterReadingAndWriting
 Disconnects after all pending reads and writes have completed.
(BOOL) - isConnected
(NSString *) - connectedHost
 Returns the local or remote host and port to which this socket is connected, or nil and 0 if not connected.
(UInt16) - connectedPort
(NSString *) - localHost
(UInt16) - localPort
(NSData *) - connectedAddress
 Returns the local or remote address to which this socket is connected, specified as a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object.
(NSData *) - localAddress
(BOOL) - isIPv4
 Returns whether the socket is IPv4 or IPv6.
(BOOL) - isIPv6
(void) - readDataWithTimeout:tag:
 Reads the first available bytes that become available on the socket.
(void) - readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:
 Reads the first available bytes that become available on the socket.
(void) - readDataWithTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:
 Reads the first available bytes that become available on the socket.
(void) - readDataToLength:withTimeout:tag:
 Reads the given number of bytes.
(void) - readDataToLength:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:
 Reads the given number of bytes.
(void) - readDataToData:withTimeout:tag:
 Reads bytes until (and including) the passed "data" parameter, which acts as a separator.
(void) - readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:tag:
 Reads bytes until (and including) the passed "data" parameter, which acts as a separator.
(void) - readDataToData:withTimeout:maxLength:tag:
 Reads bytes until (and including) the passed "data" parameter, which acts as a separator.
(void) - readDataToData:withTimeout:buffer:bufferOffset:maxLength:tag:
 Reads bytes until (and including) the passed "data" parameter, which acts as a separator.
(void) - writeData:withTimeout:tag:
 Writes data to the socket, and calls the delegate when finished.
(float) - progressOfReadReturningTag:bytesDone:total:
 Returns progress of current read or write, from 0.0 to 1.0, or NaN if no read/write (use isnan() to check).
(float) - progressOfWriteReturningTag:bytesDone:total:
(void) - startTLS:
 Secures the connection using SSL/TLS.
(void) - enablePreBuffering
 For handling readDataToData requests, data is necessarily read from the socket in small increments.
(BOOL) - moveToRunLoop:
 When you create an AsyncSocket, it is added to the runloop of the current thread.
(BOOL) - setRunLoopModes:
 Allows you to configure which run loop modes the socket uses.
(BOOL) - addRunLoopMode:
(BOOL) - removeRunLoopMode:
(NSArray *) - runLoopModes
 Returns the current run loop modes the AsyncSocket instance is operating in.
(NSData *) - unreadData
 In the event of an error, this method may be called during onSocket:willDisconnectWithError: to read any data that's left on the socket.
(void) - startConnectTimeout:
(void) - endConnectTimeout
(void) - doConnectTimeout:
(CFSocketRef) - newAcceptSocketForAddress:error:
(BOOL) - createSocketForAddress:error:
(BOOL) - bindSocketToAddress:error:
(BOOL) - attachSocketsToRunLoop:error:
(BOOL) - configureSocketAndReturnError:
(BOOL) - connectSocketToAddress:error:
(void) - doAcceptWithSocket:
(void) - doSocketOpen:withCFSocketError:
(BOOL) - createStreamsFromNative:error:
(BOOL) - createStreamsToHost:onPort:error:
(BOOL) - attachStreamsToRunLoop:error:
(BOOL) - configureStreamsAndReturnError:
(BOOL) - openStreamsAndReturnError:
(void) - doStreamOpen
(BOOL) - setSocketFromStreamsAndReturnError:
(void) - closeWithError:
(void) - recoverUnreadData
(void) - emptyQueues
(void) - close
(NSError *) - getErrnoError
(NSError *) - getAbortError
(NSError *) - getStreamError
(NSError *) - getSocketError
(NSError *) - getConnectTimeoutError
(NSError *) - getReadMaxedOutError
(NSError *) - getReadTimeoutError
(NSError *) - getWriteTimeoutError
(NSError *) - errorFromCFStreamError:
(BOOL) - isDisconnected
(BOOL) - areStreamsConnected
(NSString *) - connectedHostFromNativeSocket4:
(NSString *) - connectedHostFromNativeSocket6:
(NSString *) - connectedHostFromCFSocket4:
(NSString *) - connectedHostFromCFSocket6:
(UInt16) - connectedPortFromNativeSocket4:
(UInt16) - connectedPortFromNativeSocket6:
(UInt16) - connectedPortFromCFSocket4:
(UInt16) - connectedPortFromCFSocket6:
(NSString *) - localHostFromNativeSocket4:
(NSString *) - localHostFromNativeSocket6:
(NSString *) - localHostFromCFSocket4:
(NSString *) - localHostFromCFSocket6:
(UInt16) - localPortFromNativeSocket4:
(UInt16) - localPortFromNativeSocket6:
(UInt16) - localPortFromCFSocket4:
(UInt16) - localPortFromCFSocket6:
(NSString *) - hostFromAddress4:
(NSString *) - hostFromAddress6:
(UInt16) - portFromAddress4:
(UInt16) - portFromAddress6:
(void) - doBytesAvailable
(void) - completeCurrentRead
(void) - endCurrentRead
(void) - scheduleDequeueRead
(void) - maybeDequeueRead
(void) - doReadTimeout:
(void) - doSendBytes
(void) - completeCurrentWrite
(void) - endCurrentWrite
(void) - scheduleDequeueWrite
(void) - maybeDequeueWrite
(void) - maybeScheduleDisconnect
(void) - doWriteTimeout:
(void) - runLoopAddSource:
(void) - runLoopRemoveSource:
(void) - runLoopAddTimer:
(void) - runLoopRemoveTimer:
(void) - runLoopUnscheduleReadStream
(void) - runLoopUnscheduleWriteStream
(void) - maybeStartTLS
(void) - onTLSHandshakeSuccessful
(void) - doCFCallback:forSocket:withAddress:withData:
(void) - doCFReadStreamCallback:forStream:
(void) - doCFWriteStreamCallback:forStream:

Static Public Member Functions

(NSData *) + CRLFData
(NSData *) + CRData
(NSData *) + LFData
(NSData *) + ZeroData

Protected Attributes

CFSocketNativeHandle theNativeSocket4
CFSocketNativeHandle theNativeSocket6
CFSocketRef theSocket4
CFSocketRef theSocket6
CFReadStreamRef theReadStream
CFWriteStreamRef theWriteStream
CFRunLoopSourceRef theSource4
CFRunLoopSourceRef theSource6
CFRunLoopRef theRunLoop
CFSocketContext theContext
NSArray * theRunLoopModes
NSTimer * theConnectTimer
NSMutableArray * theReadQueue
NSTimer * theReadTimer
NSMutableData * partialReadBuffer
NSMutableArray * theWriteQueue
NSTimer * theWriteTimer
id theDelegate
UInt16 theFlags
long theUserData

Member Function Documentation

- (BOOL) acceptOnInterface: (NSString *)  interface
port: (UInt16)  port
error: (NSError **)  errPtr 

This method is the same as acceptOnPort:error: with the additional option of specifying which interface to listen on.

To accept on a certain interface, pass the address to accept on.

So, for example, if you were writing code for a server that has multiple IP addresses, you could specify which address you wanted to listen on. Or you could use it to specify that the socket should only accept connections over ethernet, and not other interfaces such as wifi. You may also use the special strings "localhost" or "loopback" to specify that the socket only accept connections from the local machine.

To accept connections on any interface pass nil, or simply use the acceptOnPort:error: method.

To accept on any interface, pass nil or an empty string. To accept only connections from localhost pass "localhost" or "loopback".

- (BOOL) acceptOnPort: (UInt16)  port
error: (NSError **)  errPtr 

Tells the socket to begin listening and accepting connections on the given port.

When a connection comes in, the AsyncSocket instance will call the various delegate methods (see above). The socket will listen on all available interfaces (e.g. wifi, ethernet, etc)

- (BOOL) addRunLoopMode: (NSString *)  runLoopMode
- (BOOL) areStreamsConnected
- (BOOL) attachSocketsToRunLoop: (NSRunLoop *)  runLoop
error: (NSError **)  errPtr 
- (BOOL) attachStreamsToRunLoop: (NSRunLoop *)  runLoop
error: (NSError **)  errPtr 
- (BOOL) bindSocketToAddress: (NSData *)  interfaceAddr
error: (NSError **)  errPtr 
- (BOOL) canSafelySetDelegate
- (void) close
- (void) closeWithError: (NSError *)  err
- (void) completeCurrentRead
- (void) completeCurrentWrite
- (BOOL) configureSocketAndReturnError: (NSError **)  errPtr
- (BOOL) configureStreamsAndReturnError: (NSError **)  errPtr
- (NSData *) connectedAddress

Returns the local or remote address to which this socket is connected, specified as a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object.

See also the connectedHost, connectedPort, localHost and localPort methods.

- (NSString *) connectedHost

Returns the local or remote host and port to which this socket is connected, or nil and 0 if not connected.

The host will be an IP address.

- (NSString *) connectedHostFromCFSocket4: (CFSocketRef)  socket
- (NSString *) connectedHostFromCFSocket6: (CFSocketRef)  socket
- (NSString *) connectedHostFromNativeSocket4: (CFSocketNativeHandle)  theNativeSocket
- (NSString *) connectedHostFromNativeSocket6: (CFSocketNativeHandle)  theNativeSocket
- (UInt16) connectedPort
- (UInt16) connectedPortFromCFSocket4: (CFSocketRef)  socket
- (UInt16) connectedPortFromCFSocket6: (CFSocketRef)  socket
- (UInt16) connectedPortFromNativeSocket4: (CFSocketNativeHandle)  theNativeSocket
- (UInt16) connectedPortFromNativeSocket6: (CFSocketNativeHandle)  theNativeSocket
- (BOOL) connectSocketToAddress: (NSData *)  remoteAddr
error: (NSError **)  errPtr 
- (BOOL) connectToAddress: (NSData *)  remoteAddr
error: (NSError **)  errPtr 

Connects to the given address, specified as a sockaddr structure wrapped in a NSData object.

For example, a NSData object returned from NSNetservice's addresses method.

If you have an existing struct sockaddr you can convert it to a NSData object like so: struct sockaddr sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:&remoteAddr length:remoteAddr.sa_len]; struct sockaddr *sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:remoteAddr length:remoteAddr->sa_len];

- (BOOL) connectToAddress: (NSData *)  remoteAddr
viaInterfaceAddress: (NSData *)  interfaceAddr
withTimeout: (NSTimeInterval)  timeout
error: (NSError **)  errPtr 

This method is similar to the one above, but allows you to specify which socket interface the connection should run over.

E.g. ethernet, wifi, bluetooth, etc.

- (BOOL) connectToAddress: (NSData *)  remoteAddr
withTimeout: (NSTimeInterval)  timeout
error: (NSError **)  errPtr 

This method is the same as connectToAddress:error: with an additional timeout option.

This method creates an initial CFSocket to the given address.

To not time out use a negative time interval, or simply use the connectToAddress:error: method.

The connection is then opened, and the corresponding CFReadStream and CFWriteStream will be created from the low-level sockets after the connection succeeds.

Thus the delegate will have access to the CFSocket and CFSocketNativeHandle (BSD socket) prior to connection, specifically in the onSocketWillConnect: method.

Note: The NSData parameter is expected to be a sockaddr structure. For example, an NSData object returned from NSNetservice addresses method. If you have an existing struct sockaddr you can convert it to an NSData object like so: struct sockaddr sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:&remoteAddr length:remoteAddr.sa_len]; struct sockaddr *sa -> NSData *dsa = [NSData dataWithBytes:remoteAddr length:remoteAddr->sa_len];

- (BOOL) connectToHost: (NSString *)  hostname
onPort: (UInt16)  port
error: (NSError **)  errPtr 

Connects to the given host and port.

The host may be a domain name (e.g. "deusty.com") or an IP address string (e.g. "")

- (BOOL) connectToHost: (NSString *)  hostname
onPort: (UInt16)  port
withTimeout: (NSTimeInterval)  timeout
error: (NSError **)  errPtr 

This method is the same as connectToHost:onPort:error: with an additional timeout option.

This method creates an initial CFReadStream and CFWriteStream to the given host on the given port.

To not time out use a negative time interval, or simply use the connectToHost:onPort:error: method.

The connection is then opened, and the corresponding CFSocket will be extracted after the connection succeeds.

Thus the delegate will have access to the CFReadStream and CFWriteStream prior to connection, specifically in the onSocketWillConnect: method.

+ (NSData *) CRData
- (BOOL) createSocketForAddress: (NSData *)  remoteAddr
error: (NSError **)  errPtr 
- (BOOL) createStreamsFromNative: (CFSocketNativeHandle)  native
error: (NSError **)  errPtr 
- (BOOL) createStreamsToHost: (NSString *)  hostname
onPort: (UInt16)  port
error: (NSError **)  errPtr 
+ (NSData *) CRLFData
- (id) delegate

Use "canSafelySetDelegate" to see if there is any pending business (reads and writes) with the current delegate before changing it.

It is, of course, safe to change the delegate before connecting or accepting connections.

- (NSString *) description (void) 
- (void) disconnect

Disconnects immediately.

Any pending reads or writes are dropped. If the socket is not already disconnected, the onSocketDidDisconnect delegate method will be called immediately, before this method returns.

Please note the recommended way of releasing an AsyncSocket instance (e.g. in a dealloc method) [asyncSocket setDelegate:nil]; [asyncSocket disconnect]; [asyncSocket release];

Any pending reads or writes are dropped.

- (void) disconnectAfterReading

Disconnects after all pending reads have completed.

Diconnects after all pending reads have completed.

After calling this, the read and write methods will do nothing. The socket will disconnect even if there are still pending writes.

- (void) disconnectAfterReadingAndWriting

Disconnects after all pending reads and writes have completed.

After calling this, the read and write methods will do nothing.

- (void) disconnectAfterWriting

Disconnects after all pending writes have completed.

After calling this, the read and write methods will do nothing. The socket will disconnect even if there are still pending reads.

- (void) doAcceptWithSocket: (CFSocketNativeHandle)  newSocket
- (void) doBytesAvailable
- (void) doCFCallback: (CFSocketCallBackType)  type
forSocket: (CFSocketRef)  sock
withAddress: (NSData *)  address
withData: (const void *)  pData 
- (void) doCFReadStreamCallback: (CFStreamEventType)  type
forStream: (CFReadStreamRef)  stream 
- (void) doCFWriteStreamCallback: (CFStreamEventType)  type
forStream: (CFWriteStreamRef)  stream 
- (void) doConnectTimeout: (NSTimer *)  timer
- (void) doReadTimeout: (NSTimer *)  timer
- (void) doSendBytes
- (void) doSocketOpen: (CFSocketRef)  sock
withCFSocketError: (CFSocketError)  err 
- (void) doStreamOpen
- (void) doWriteTimeout: (NSTimer *)  timer
- (void) emptyQueues
- (void) enablePreBuffering

For handling readDataToData requests, data is necessarily read from the socket in small increments.

See the header file for a full explanation of pre-buffering.

The performance can be much improved by allowing AsyncSocket to read larger chunks at a time and store any overflow in a small internal buffer. This is termed pre-buffering, as some data may be read for you before you ask for it. If you use readDataToData a lot, enabling pre-buffering will result in better performance, especially on the iPhone.

The default pre-buffering state is controlled by the DEFAULT_PREBUFFERING definition. It is highly recommended one leave this set to YES.

This method exists in case pre-buffering needs to be disabled by default for some unforeseen reason. In that case, this method exists to allow one to easily enable pre-buffering when ready.

- (void) endConnectTimeout
- (void) endCurrentRead
- (void) endCurrentWrite
- (NSError *) errorFromCFStreamError: (CFStreamError)  err
- (NSError *) getAbortError
- (CFReadStreamRef) getCFReadStream
- (CFSocketRef) getCFSocket
- (CFWriteStreamRef) getCFWriteStream
- (NSError *) getConnectTimeoutError
- (NSError *) getErrnoError
- (NSError *) getReadMaxedOutError
- (NSError *) getReadTimeoutError
- (NSError *) getSocketError
- (NSError *) getStreamError
- (NSError *) getWriteTimeoutError
- (NSString *) hostFromAddress4: (struct sockaddr_in *)  pSockaddr4
- (NSString *) hostFromAddress6: (struct sockaddr_in6 *)  pSockaddr6
- (id) init (void) 
- (id) initWithDelegate: (id)  delegate
- (id) initWithDelegate: (id)  delegate
userData: (long)  userData 
- (BOOL) isConnected
- (BOOL) isDisconnected
- (BOOL) isIPv4

Returns whether the socket is IPv4 or IPv6.

An accepting socket may be both.

- (BOOL) isIPv6
+ (NSData *) LFData
- (NSData *) localAddress
- (NSString *) localHost
- (NSString *) localHostFromCFSocket4: (CFSocketRef)  socket
- (NSString *) localHostFromCFSocket6: (CFSocketRef)  socket
- (NSString *) localHostFromNativeSocket4: (CFSocketNativeHandle)  theNativeSocket
- (NSString *) localHostFromNativeSocket6: (CFSocketNativeHandle)  theNativeSocket
- (UInt16) localPort
- (UInt16) localPortFromCFSocket4: (CFSocketRef)  socket
- (UInt16) localPortFromCFSocket6: (CFSocketRef)  socket
- (UInt16) localPortFromNativeSocket4: (CFSocketNativeHandle)  theNativeSocket
- (UInt16) localPortFromNativeSocket6: (CFSocketNativeHandle)  theNativeSocket
- (void) maybeDequeueRead
- (void) maybeDequeueWrite
- (void) maybeScheduleDisconnect
- (void) maybeStartTLS
- (BOOL) moveToRunLoop: (NSRunLoop *)  runLoop

When you create an AsyncSocket, it is added to the runloop of the current thread.

See the header file for a full explanation of this method.

So for manually created sockets, it is easiest to simply create the socket on the thread you intend to use it.

If a new socket is accepted, the delegate method onSocket:wantsRunLoopForNewSocket: is called to allow you to place the socket on a separate thread. This works best in conjunction with a thread pool design.

If, however, you need to move the socket to a separate thread at a later time, this method may be used to accomplish the task.

This method must be called from the thread/runloop the socket is currently running on.

Note: After calling this method, all further method calls to this object should be done from the given runloop. Also, all delegate calls will be sent on the given runloop.

- (CFSocketRef) newAcceptSocketForAddress: (NSData *)  addr
error: (NSError **)  errPtr 
- (void) onTLSHandshakeSuccessful
- (BOOL) openStreamsAndReturnError: (NSError **)  errPtr
- (UInt16) portFromAddress4: (struct sockaddr_in *)  pSockaddr4
- (UInt16) portFromAddress6: (struct sockaddr_in6 *)  pSockaddr6
- (float) progressOfReadReturningTag: (long *)  tag
bytesDone: (NSUInteger *)  done
total: (NSUInteger *)  total 

Returns progress of current read or write, from 0.0 to 1.0, or NaN if no read/write (use isnan() to check).

"tag", "done" and "total" will be filled in if they aren't NULL.

- (float) progressOfWriteReturningTag: (long *)  tag
bytesDone: (NSUInteger *)  done
total: (NSUInteger *)  total 
- (void) readDataToData: (NSData *)  data
withTimeout: (NSTimeInterval)  timeout
buffer: (NSMutableData *)  buffer
bufferOffset: (NSUInteger)  offset
maxLength: (NSUInteger)  length
tag: (long)  tag 

Reads bytes until (and including) the passed "data" parameter, which acts as a separator.

The bytes will be appended to the given byte buffer starting at the given offset. The given buffer will automatically be increased in size if needed. A maximum of length bytes will be read.

If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout. If the buffer if nil, a buffer will automatically be created for you.

If maxLength is zero, no length restriction is enforced. Otherwise if maxLength bytes are read without completing the read, it is treated similarly to a timeout - the socket is closed with a AsyncSocketReadMaxedOutError. The read will complete successfully if exactly maxLength bytes are read and the given data is found at the end.

If you pass a maxLength parameter that is less than the length of the data parameter, the method will do nothing, and the delegate will not be called. If the bufferOffset is greater than the length of the given buffer, the method will do nothing, and the delegate will not be called.

If you pass a buffer, you must not alter it in any way while AsyncSocket is using it. After completion, the data returned in onSocket:didReadData:withTag: will be a subset of the given buffer. That is, it will reference the bytes that were appended to the given buffer.

To read a line from the socket, use the line separator (e.g. CRLF for HTTP, see below) as the "data" parameter. Note that this method is not character-set aware, so if a separator can occur naturally as part of the encoding for a character, the read will prematurely end.

- (void) readDataToData: (NSData *)  data
withTimeout: (NSTimeInterval)  timeout
buffer: (NSMutableData *)  buffer
bufferOffset: (NSUInteger)  offset
tag: (long)  tag 

Reads bytes until (and including) the passed "data" parameter, which acts as a separator.

The bytes will be appended to the given byte buffer starting at the given offset. The given buffer will automatically be increased in size if needed.

If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout. If the buffer if nil, a buffer will automatically be created for you.

If the bufferOffset is greater than the length of the given buffer, the method will do nothing, and the delegate will not be called.

If you pass a buffer, you must not alter it in any way while AsyncSocket is using it. After completion, the data returned in onSocket:didReadData:withTag: will be a subset of the given buffer. That is, it will reference the bytes that were appended to the given buffer.

To read a line from the socket, use the line separator (e.g. CRLF for HTTP, see below) as the "data" parameter. Note that this method is not character-set aware, so if a separator can occur naturally as part of the encoding for a character, the read will prematurely end.

- (void) readDataToData: (NSData *)  data
withTimeout: (NSTimeInterval)  timeout
maxLength: (NSUInteger)  length
tag: (long)  tag 

Reads bytes until (and including) the passed "data" parameter, which acts as a separator.

If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.

If maxLength is zero, no length restriction is enforced. Otherwise if maxLength bytes are read without completing the read, it is treated similarly to a timeout - the socket is closed with a AsyncSocketReadMaxedOutError. The read will complete successfully if exactly maxLength bytes are read and the given data is found at the end.

If you pass nil or zero-length data as the "data" parameter, the method will do nothing, and the delegate will not be called. If you pass a maxLength parameter that is less than the length of the data parameter, the method will do nothing, and the delegate will not be called.

To read a line from the socket, use the line separator (e.g. CRLF for HTTP, see below) as the "data" parameter. Note that this method is not character-set aware, so if a separator can occur naturally as part of the encoding for a character, the read will prematurely end.

- (void) readDataToData: (NSData *)  data
withTimeout: (NSTimeInterval)  timeout
tag: (long)  tag 

Reads bytes until (and including) the passed "data" parameter, which acts as a separator.

If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.

If you pass nil or zero-length data as the "data" parameter, the method will do nothing, and the delegate will not be called.

To read a line from the socket, use the line separator (e.g. CRLF for HTTP, see below) as the "data" parameter. Note that this method is not character-set aware, so if a separator can occur naturally as part of the encoding for a character, the read will prematurely end.

- (void) readDataToLength: (NSUInteger)  length
withTimeout: (NSTimeInterval)  timeout
buffer: (NSMutableData *)  buffer
bufferOffset: (NSUInteger)  offset
tag: (long)  tag 

Reads the given number of bytes.

The bytes will be appended to the given byte buffer starting at the given offset. The given buffer will automatically be increased in size if needed.

If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout. If the buffer if nil, a buffer will automatically be created for you.

If the length is 0, this method does nothing and the delegate is not called. If the bufferOffset is greater than the length of the given buffer, the method will do nothing, and the delegate will not be called.

If you pass a buffer, you must not alter it in any way while AsyncSocket is using it. After completion, the data returned in onSocket:didReadData:withTag: will be a subset of the given buffer. That is, it will reference the bytes that were appended to the given buffer.

- (void) readDataToLength: (NSUInteger)  length
withTimeout: (NSTimeInterval)  timeout
tag: (long)  tag 

Reads the given number of bytes.

If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.

If the length is 0, this method does nothing and the delegate is not called.

- (void) readDataWithTimeout: (NSTimeInterval)  timeout
buffer: (NSMutableData *)  buffer
bufferOffset: (NSUInteger)  offset
maxLength: (NSUInteger)  length
tag: (long)  tag 

Reads the first available bytes that become available on the socket.

The bytes will be appended to the given byte buffer starting at the given offset. The given buffer will automatically be increased in size if needed. A maximum of length bytes will be read.

If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout. If the buffer if nil, a buffer will automatically be created for you. If maxLength is zero, no length restriction is enforced.

If the bufferOffset is greater than the length of the given buffer, the method will do nothing, and the delegate will not be called.

If you pass a buffer, you must not alter it in any way while AsyncSocket is using it. After completion, the data returned in onSocket:didReadData:withTag: will be a subset of the given buffer. That is, it will reference the bytes that were appended to the given buffer.

- (void) readDataWithTimeout: (NSTimeInterval)  timeout
buffer: (NSMutableData *)  buffer
bufferOffset: (NSUInteger)  offset
tag: (long)  tag 

Reads the first available bytes that become available on the socket.

The bytes will be appended to the given byte buffer starting at the given offset. The given buffer will automatically be increased in size if needed.

If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout. If the buffer if nil, the socket will create a buffer for you.

If the bufferOffset is greater than the length of the given buffer, the method will do nothing, and the delegate will not be called.

If you pass a buffer, you must not alter it in any way while AsyncSocket is using it. After completion, the data returned in onSocket:didReadData:withTag: will be a subset of the given buffer. That is, it will reference the bytes that were appended to the given buffer.

- (void) readDataWithTimeout: (NSTimeInterval)  timeout
tag: (long)  tag 

Reads the first available bytes that become available on the socket.

If the timeout value is negative, the read operation will not use a timeout.

- (void) recoverUnreadData
- (BOOL) removeRunLoopMode: (NSString *)  runLoopMode
- (void) runLoopAddSource: (CFRunLoopSourceRef)  source
- (void) runLoopAddTimer: (NSTimer *)  timer
- (NSArray *) runLoopModes

Returns the current run loop modes the AsyncSocket instance is operating in.

The default set of run loop modes is NSDefaultRunLoopMode.

- (void) runLoopRemoveSource: (CFRunLoopSourceRef)  source
- (void) runLoopRemoveTimer: (NSTimer *)  timer
- (void) runLoopUnscheduleReadStream
- (void) runLoopUnscheduleWriteStream
- (void) scheduleDequeueRead
- (void) scheduleDequeueWrite
- (void) setDelegate: (id)  delegate
- (BOOL) setRunLoopModes: (NSArray *)  runLoopModes

Allows you to configure which run loop modes the socket uses.

See the header file for a full explanation of this method.

The default set of run loop modes is NSDefaultRunLoopMode.

If you'd like your socket to continue operation during other modes, you may want to add modes such as NSModalPanelRunLoopMode or NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode. Or you may simply want to use NSRunLoopCommonModes.

Accepted sockets will automatically inherit the same run loop modes as the listening socket.

Note: NSRunLoopCommonModes is defined in 10.5. For previous versions one can use kCFRunLoopCommonModes.

- (BOOL) setSocketFromStreamsAndReturnError: (NSError **)  errPtr
- (void) setUserData: (long)  userData
- (void) startConnectTimeout: (NSTimeInterval)  timeout
- (void) startTLS: (NSDictionary *)  tlsSettings

Secures the connection using SSL/TLS.

This method may be called at any time, and the TLS handshake will occur after all pending reads and writes are finished. This allows one the option of sending a protocol dependent StartTLS message, and queuing the upgrade to TLS at the same time, without having to wait for the write to finish. Any reads or writes scheduled after this method is called will occur over the secured connection.

The possible keys and values for the TLS settings are well documented. Some possible keys are:

  • kCFStreamSSLLevel
  • kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredCertificates
  • kCFStreamSSLAllowsExpiredRoots
  • kCFStreamSSLAllowsAnyRoot
  • kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain
  • kCFStreamSSLPeerName
  • kCFStreamSSLCertificates
  • kCFStreamSSLIsServer

Please refer to Apple's documentation for associated values, as well as other possible keys.

If you pass in nil or an empty dictionary, the default settings will be used.

The default settings will check to make sure the remote party's certificate is signed by a trusted 3rd party certificate agency (e.g. verisign) and that the certificate is not expired. However it will not verify the name on the certificate unless you give it a name to verify against via the kCFStreamSSLPeerName key. The security implications of this are important to understand. Imagine you are attempting to create a secure connection to MySecureServer.com, but your socket gets directed to MaliciousServer.com because of a hacked DNS server. If you simply use the default settings, and MaliciousServer.com has a valid certificate, the default settings will not detect any problems since the certificate is valid. To properly secure your connection in this particular scenario you should set the kCFStreamSSLPeerName property to "MySecureServer.com". If you do not know the peer name of the remote host in advance (for example, you're not sure if it will be "domain.com" or "www.domain.com"), then you can use the default settings to validate the certificate, and then use the X509Certificate class to verify the issuer after the socket has been secured. The X509Certificate class is part of the CocoaAsyncSocket open source project.

- (NSData *) unreadData

In the event of an error, this method may be called during onSocket:willDisconnectWithError: to read any data that's left on the socket.

- (long) userData
- (void) writeData: (NSData *)  data
withTimeout: (NSTimeInterval)  timeout
tag: (long)  tag 

Writes data to the socket, and calls the delegate when finished.

If you pass in nil or zero-length data, this method does nothing and the delegate will not be called. If the timeout value is negative, the write operation will not use a timeout.

+ (NSData *) ZeroData

Member Data Documentation

- (NSMutableData*) partialReadBuffer [protected]
- (NSTimer*) theConnectTimer [protected]
- (CFSocketContext) theContext [protected]
- (AsyncReadPacket*) theCurrentRead [protected]
- (id) theDelegate [protected]
- (UInt16) theFlags [protected]
- (CFSocketNativeHandle) theNativeSocket4 [protected]
- (CFSocketNativeHandle) theNativeSocket6 [protected]
- (NSMutableArray*) theReadQueue [protected]
- (CFReadStreamRef) theReadStream [protected]
- (NSTimer*) theReadTimer [protected]
- (CFRunLoopRef) theRunLoop [protected]
- (NSArray*) theRunLoopModes [protected]
- (CFSocketRef) theSocket4 [protected]
- (CFSocketRef) theSocket6 [protected]
- (CFRunLoopSourceRef) theSource4 [protected]
- (CFRunLoopSourceRef) theSource6 [protected]
- (long) theUserData [protected]
- (NSMutableArray*) theWriteQueue [protected]
- (CFWriteStreamRef) theWriteStream [protected]
- (NSTimer*) theWriteTimer [protected]

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