Re: [tkined] Problem handling engineId on the tcl interface in scotty

Graeme McKerrell (
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 13:21:39 +0000 (GMT)

Here's a snippet of code which I use to look at binary data
# {{{ protocol_DumpHex()

proc protocol_DumpHex {data} {
set pos 0
set result "[format %4d [string length $data]] Bytes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f 0123456789abcdef"
set bytes {}
set chars {}
for {set pos 0} {$pos < [string length $data]} {} {
binary scan [string index $data $pos] H2 byte
binary scan [string index $data $pos] c1 char
if {($char < 32) || ($char > 126)} {
set char "."
} else {
set char [string index $data $pos]
set bytes "$bytes $byte"
set chars "${chars}$char"
incr pos
if {($pos % 16) == 0} {
set result "$result\n [format {%04x} [expr $pos - 16]] :$bytes $chars"
set bytes {}
set chars {}
if {($pos %16) == 0} {
return $result
# mop up the end of the line
while { $pos % 16} {
set bytes "$bytes .."
set chars "$chars "
incr pos
# show the last line if needed
set result "$result\n [format {%04x} [expr $pos - 16]] :$bytes $chars"

return $result

# }}}

it's not too difficult to get into a readable format

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