Re: [tkined] Could you please help me...

Juergen Schoenwaelder (
Thu, 25 Jun 1998 15:21:11 +0200

>>>>> Chandra Sekhar K writes:

Chandra> I am Chandra Sekhar , working on a porting of a software from
Chandra> UNIX to WINDOWS-NT. I require tcl8.0, tclX8.0 ,expect5.21 and
Chandra> scotty on WINDOWS-NT platform for this project. I wanted to
Chandra> have your scotty integrated with tcl8.0 for WINDOWS-NT.

Are you using the development snapshot which is already ported to NT?
Or are you using an older scotty version? You should at least mention
which version of scotty you are talking about if you want to get help.

Chandra> tcl8.0 is not available inyour site , I downloaded tcl8.0 and
Chandra> tk8.0 source from
Chandra> and
Chandra> built the libraries tcl80.lib and tk80.lib . Using these
Chandra> libraries I tried to integrate scotty. But the compilation
Chandra> fails with the following error message.

Chandra> Creating library tnm.lib and object tnm.exp tnmUdp.obj :
Chandra> error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
Chandra> _Tcl_DeleteFileHandler tnmSnmpNet.obj : error LNK2001:
Chandra> unresolved external symbol _Tcl_DeleteFileHandler tnmUdp.obj
Chandra> : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
Chandra> _Tcl_CreateFileHandler tnmSnmpNet.obj : error LNK2001:
Chandra> unresolved external symbol _Tcl_CreateFileHandler tnm.dll :
Chandra> fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals

Chandra> Could you please analyse the error message and let me know
Chandra> the reason for compilation failure.

The symbol _Tcl_DeleteFileHandler could not be resolved.

Chandra> For your information the Tcl8.0 Readme file specifies that

Chandra> TclCreateFileHandler and Tcl_DeleteFileHandler now take unix
Chandra> fd’s and are only supported on the Unix platform.

And this is the explanation.

Chandra> Is this limitation has any relation with the above error
Chandra> message. If yes, How can I go about in getting this problem
Chandra> resolved.

Use the development snapshot or read in the archive of this mailing
list how to work around this problem.

Juergen Schoenwaelder
Technical University Braunschweig, Dept. Operating Systems & Computer Networks
Bueltenweg 74/75, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany. (Tel. +49 531 / 391 3283)

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