tkined missing tools menu

Mike Thibodeau (
Tue, 25 Mar 1997 08:45:34 -0500

It turns out that bind was the problem.
I had grabbed the newest release of bind but the symbols had
changed to be posix compliant which caused tkined to barf.

Quick solution:
use bind < 4.9.5
bind 4.9.4p1 works fine following the porting notes

Here is some noise I sent back and forth tracking the problem.
I should have sent this ti the list but didn't *shame*

I darn myself to heck.

Here is the clue that it is a bind library problem:
% tkined1.4.5 call to undefined procedure _res_init from 0xef759b5c

The undefined is caused by the lack/renaming of res_init in the new

I should have spent the time to actually fix the ttnm libraries but
was pulled off to handle some other "important" task...

I had much help from Doug Hughes on this....
What follows is one of the last Emails that we passed on this subject
where I hit the nail as to exactly what was causing the failure.
Someone should incorporate this into the tnm libraries...


From: Michael J. Thibodeau
Date: Thu, Jan 30, 1997 4:45 PM
Subject: Re: make logs
To: Doug Hughes
Cc: miket
> There is a possibility that it has something to do with symbol renaming in
> 4.9.5 though. Perhaps you could try 4.9.4 and see if it works?
I am pulling down 4.9.4p1 and will build under that to test it.

> I don't see anything particularly evil in your build sequence. gcc should
> work fine with the bind files (vs sun bundled compiler) if everything
> else is down with gcc too.
The bind res libs weren't built with gcc. I built them with gcc but
they still
come out the same.

> The main thing I would do is check res_init.c in the bind/res directory.
> That's where your missing symbol is defined. Perhaps in 4.9.5 they made
> it into _res_init instead. (It was res_init in 4.9.4 and 4.9.3).
> Or maybe gcc is adding an extra _ (to make it __res_init). I've seen
> that before too.
cc and gcc both make ___res_init

> do a nm on tnmDns.o and look for res_init
[7:09pm]lexington(235)% nm tnmDns.o | grep -i res_init
U _res_init

> do a nm on res_init.o and look for res_init.
[7:09pm]lexington(234)% nm bind.libs/res_init.o | grep -i res_init
00000000 T ___res_init

> The two should match. Adjust your res_init source code and recompile and
> relink accordingly and everything should work okay.
Since 4.9.4 works (for you) I am going to go with 4.9.4's res_init
once I get them both side by side I will see what gives.

looking in the CHANGES file for bind-4.9.5-REL I see mention of __
692. [port] fixed up the __ defines (for POSIX.3) in

looking at the source, it looks like the tnm extensions are what should
changed so that they comply.

More later....
Thankyou for the starting off point.




Mike Thibodeau 40 Brook St. Scituate MA 02066 (617)545-2948

And Now...

Mike Thibodeau Network Architect Harris Miller Miller and Hanson Inc. 15 New England Executive Park Burlington MA 01803 Tel.(617)229-0707 Fax.(617)229-7939

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