Re: How can external program talk to tkined?

Juergen Schoenwaelder (
Fri, 11 Oct 1996 20:42:39 +0200 (Bensen Chiou) said:

Bensen> I'm trying to integrate Tkined with external programs.
Bensen> I need a mechanism for Tkined to send message to external
Bensen> programs, and to receive message sent from external programs
Bensen> asynchonously.

Tkined is doing this all the time. All the application scripts run as
external processes talking to Tkined. The protocol is not very elegant
but fortunately hidden in the ined(n) Tcl command. So you can either
let your application talk directly to Tkined (just just have to use
the protocol which is not document because it is so ugly) or you write
a Tcl script wrapper that uses the ined command to manipulate Tkined
objects and talks to your external program via a pipe or whatever you