A note on scotty-2.1.1 on Solaris 2.4

Jochen Wiedmann (wiedmann@ns.neckar-alb.de)
Thu, 8 Aug 1996 11:35:17 +0200 (MET DST)


some (very minor!) problems I encountered when compiling scotty-2.1.1
on a sparc-sun-solaris2.4 machine. Perhaps Juergen might like to
add it to his list of hints?

a) Configure first believed that I would be cross compiling: I
have no true cc installed, just the pseudo binary which is
only reporting, that the "language optional software package"
isn't installed. Fix was an

export CC=gcc

when running configure.

b) Configure insisted in putting "CC = cc" into the Makefile,
though. Fix was to manually set

CC = gcc

in the Makefile. ("make CC=gcc" did not help, because cc
was still used when compiling ntping.)

c) Configure didn't recognize libresolv, libsocket and libnsl.
I edited the Makefile again and added

LIBS=-lsocket -lnsl -lresolv

All other known problems from scotty 2.1.0 have gone. :-)

A final note. Wouldn't it be possible, to set the TCLLIBPATH
variable in the tkined script? Perhaps by something like this:

# the next lines restart using wish \
TCLLIBPATH="/sw/share/scotty-2.1.0/lib/tnm2.1.0 \
/sw/share/scotty-2.1.0/lib/tkined1.4.0"; \
exec wish4.1 "$0" "$@"

Thanks very much, Juergen!



Jochen Wiedmann			    jochen.wiedmann@neckar-alb.de
ISS Internet Service Stuttgart	    http://www.neckar-alb.de/iss/jochen