Misc. questions

Bjorn J. Villa (Bjorn.J.Villa@delab.sintef.no)
Mon, 6 May 96 14:45:16 +0200

1.) How can I configure Tkined to use a different port than 161/162 ?
When I run an agent which uses
a port different than 161/162, Tkined does not find it.

2.) When having altered values in a scotty agent sessions MIB-II using
set command from a paralell scotty manager session, how can the
agent save its new content of the MIB so that next time it is started it will
load this ?

Best regards,

Bjorn J. Villa Research Scientist

SINTEF Telecom and Informatics Tlf. ++ 47 73 59 27 48
N-7034 Trondheim Fax. ++ 47 73 59 26 36
Norway Tlf. priv. ++ 47 73 93 31 96

Email: Bjorn.J.Villa@delab.sintef.no