10th NMRG Meeting in Pisa
The 10th NMRG meeting will take place in Pisa (Italy) on April 19-20 2002, just after the NOMS 2002 conference. The meeting will start at 11:00 am on April 19th.

The address of the meeting place:

Via Matteucci 34/b
Pisa, Italy

How to get to the meeting place:

Take the train "Firenze SMN -> Pisa Centrale". Once in Pisa you can take a taxi to here (it will cost ~5 Euros). Once here you'll see a relatively big building, flat (at the bottom there's a shop called Media World that is the equivalent of the German Media Markt) with 2 (sort of) towers. Between the two towers there's a (sort of) gallery. In the middle of the gallery there's the entrance. You take the lift up to NETikos. The meeting will take place in the meeting room at the 4th floor: once out of the lift you must ring the bell. Otherwise at the 5th and 6th floor you can ask at the reception. For a map of Pisa go to http://mappe.virgilio.it/mappe/index.html and select Pisa (it's in Italian but quite strightforward).




The airport in Florence has a rather short runway and it's located in a very bad place. If you can, choose Pisa (there are direct daily flight to/from London,Frankfurt,Rome,Milan) and then from the Pisa Airport you take the train (it's inside the airport itself) to Florence (Pisa Airport -> Center of Florence takes a bit more that Florence Airport -> Center of Florence). The train ticket (1 way) will not cost much (< 10 Euros). For more info http://www.trenitalia.com/.


  1. Status Reports

    There are several documents we started and where we need to have status reports and develop a plan on how to proceed with them:

    • SNMP over TCP (Juergen Schoenwaelder)
    • SNMP Payload Compression (Juergen Schoenwaelder)
    • Subtree Retrieval (?)
    • Information Modeling vs. Data Modeling (Szabolcs Boros)

    Other activities what were or might be issues for the NMRG:

    • SMIng (Juergen Schoenwaelder / Frank Strauss)
    • SMI to XML and XML schema conversions (Frank Strauss)

  2. Alarm Models

    The goal of this agenda item is to discuss and compare various existing and proposed alarm models. The focus is on the conceptual models being used, not on specific technical realisations of the models.

    • ITU Alarm Model(?)
    • IETF DISMAN Alarm Model (?)
    • CIM Alarm/Event Model (Jean-Philippe Martin-Flatin)
    • Universal Alarm Model (all)

  3. Network Management Visions

    There are quite some discussions going on in various places what the future (5-10 years) of network management will be. There are several different scenarios one can imagine and it might be worthwhile to develop a joint view of what the goals, influencing factors, dependencies and problems with various visions are.

    We are going to make an experiment: Each participant should think up one scenario and prepare a 5-10 minute presentation (1-2 slides) to describe the may ideas. Extreme positions are welcome - of course people should be able to defend their scenarios afterwards.

    • Presentation/Discussion of Scenarios (all)
    • Identification of impact factors (all)
    • Identification of research aspects (all)

  4. Future of the NMRG

    We need to discuss whether the NMRG still works well or whether it is time to change its operational mode. Things to consider might be to invite new fresh people, to discuss future topics and research directions, or to revisit our current organization and mode of operation.

Expected Participants:

The local host of this meeting NETikos. Our contact is Luca Deri.

© IBR, TU Braunschweig, last updated 09-04-2002 17:28:58 by Juergen Schoenwaelder <schoenw@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de>