[tkined] fuzzy module for TCL, can be used for small exeperts in scotty

Damir Delija (ddelija@srce.hr)
Tue, 11 Nov 1997 10:38:22 +0100 (MET)


I've done fuzzy logic module for TCL (based on E.Cox fuzzy logic library )
It is posible to use it with scotty (or tkined) as basis for fuzzy expert.
Also its includes some scotty code for data pooling and doing online
statistics, like avegrage, rates, min, max ...

It is posible to use it in dedicated manager scripts which
diretly collect data from devices (and store it into logs)
or trough data collected from reports or databases.

It is in home-usage status, so if there is any interest we can
put it in more general usefull format.

There are some expamles at

Damir Delija

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