I'm working

Cameron Laird (claird@Starbase.NeoSoft.COM)
Mon, 12 May 1997 19:53:24 -0500 (CDT)

on what we'll call a "mission-critical" application built
atop Scotty technology. I have a couple of problems with
the straps mechanism. I'm still not certain how to arti-
culate them, but I'm close enough now that I think it's
worth starting to ask others:
1. Suppose I have a scotty session, with a trap-re-
ception binding. straps is happily re-directing
TRAPs, my session is receiving and acting on them,
everything is fine. For some reason utterly ex-
ternal to my application--maybe someone simply
"kill $WRONG_PID"--straps goes away. My scotty
session no longer receives TRAPs. Worse, it
doesn't realize it's never going to.

Is there some way within Scotty that I can validate
the health of the straps-scotty connection?

I could do heartbeats from within the Scotty session,
but that feels very ugly.

My application in fact does not expose the Scotty
interpreter, but if I understand a solution for this
situation, I'm confident I can generalize it.
2. Imagine, again, that we have a host where straps
instances are coming and going. Sometimes when I
try to bind a trap-handler, Scotty reports "can not
connect straps socket: broken pipe". Immediately
afterward, binding is successful.

I have a customer who reports some of the same, with
a "broken plate" message (!?).

What's the story? Is this one of those LINGERing

I confess, I haven't looked through much of the source code. I
know sockets well enough that I'm confident I could unravel
whatever is going on. I'm hoping to save myself some of the
work, and also learn what others are doing to cope with these

Cameron Laird http://starbase.neosoft.com/~bodi/nesi.html
Network Engineered Solutions +1 713 763 8366
claird@NeoSoft.com +1 281 996 8546 FAX
Houston WWW Business Guide: http://starbase.neosoft.com/~bodi/HouGuide.html

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