Re: Command to get integer ranges?

Scott Koumjian (
Thu, 12 Sep 1996 12:00:51 -0400

Thanks, Juergen, for your response. I'm not sure I understood the your
response so let me clarify my question.

> Scott Koumjian <> said:
> > I would like to ask if anyone has worked with extending scotty to
> > make range definitions accessible, and also if there are any issues
> > regarding whether ranges should or should not be accessible.
> They should be accessible. A few weeks ago I decided not to add new
> features to the current MIB parser anymore because this piece of code
> is really ugly. I started work on a new parser which will hopefully
> replace the existing one, but this is a low low priority issue.

Using scotty 2.0.2 and scotty 2.1.1, for the MIB object sysServices which
has a syntax of INTEGER (0..127),
'mib syntax sysServices' returns "INTEGER" and
'mib tc sysServices' returns nothing.

What I meant by accessible is that a mib command would actually return
the (0..127) part of the syntax, something like
'mib syntax sysServices' would return "INTEGER (0..127)" or
'mib tc sysServices' would return "{} INTEGER {} {(0..127)}"

> I am happy to include patches for the current MIB parser until the new
> one is available if they do not break anything. But the real solution
> is a completely new parser.

I would be interested in patches for the MIB parser. What I really need
is to patch the scotty 2.0.2 parser (my application uses scotty 2.0.2 and
has not been ported to the latest scotty version yet), but if the patches
are for a newer version of scotty then perhaps I could port them back.

Thanks again.