MIB unload function?

Martone Mike (martonem@bah.com)
Fri, 23 Aug 1996 2:55pm

It seems as if there may be some contention in my MIB files that is causing
me to pull up the wrong values in a program. This isn't a problem since I
only need one mib at a time, however, I dont know how to unload the old MIB.
Is this possible?

There are 2 MIB files and each has the MIB variable 'baudRate'. When I only
load the appropriate MIB files i get the correct value, which is 1.4MB.
When I load both MIB files the baudRate variable for the Low Speed board
gets called first and I get the value of 'b300', which is incorrect.

All help is greatly appreciated. (I am using scotty 2.0 with Tcl7.4)