Re: snmp agent(s)

Buz Owen (ado@BBN.COM)
Sat, 09 Mar 1996 02:27:01 -0500

Juergen Schoenwaelder <> wrote:

> Buz Owen <ado@BBN.COM> said:
> Buz> I am using scotty with itcl, so maybe I can get the behaviour
> Buz> I need using itcl namespaces.

Lest anyone is wondering, I tried this and it didn't make any
difference. All sessions end up sharing (for any given mib
variable) the instance binding to the last tcl variable, in its
own namespace, as set by the last snmp instance command to
reference that mib variable.

> Buz> To me it doesn't make sense that the two agent sessions can
> Buz> share the same mib tree, even in the same interpreter.

js> You can create multiple sessions on the same port, e.g. one for
js> SNMPv1, one for SNMPv2 and one for SNMPv2 USEC.

I see. That is certainly useful behaviour.

Here's a suggestion for the future. Provide some way to clone two
sessions so that they have the same mib tree, and some other way
to get them to have different trees. For example:

# create two sessions with same mib tree
set s1 [ snmp session -port $p1 -agent {}
set s2 [ snmp session -port $p2 -clone $p1 ]

Or, defaulting sessions to share a single tree as now,

# create two proxies
set p1 [ snmp session agent [ mib tree ] ]
set p2 [ snmp session agent [ mib tree ] ]

> Juergen

Thanks, and, many thanks for tkined and scotty...

- b