Re: scotty, tkined on Solaris 2.4
Thu, 10 Aug 1995 12:30:17 +0200



"Wim.Holemans" <> said:

Wim> I'm trying to install scotty and tkined on a sun running
Wim> Solaris 2.4 and the gcc compiler.

Wim> I previously installed tcl 7.4pl1 and tk4.0pl1 without a
Wim> problem. Now I'm trying to install the latest versions of
Wim> scotty and tkined.

Wim> Scotty compiles for a while and then stops with the following e
rror :

Wim> Anyone has some hints on how to solve these problems or on how
Wim> to compile scotty, tkined under Solaris ??

Just get the latest development version which is compatible with tcl
7.4pl1 and tk4.0pl1:
Installs very well with tcl 7.4pl1 and tk4.0. I did it an hour ago on
a SPARC station 5 running SOLARIS 2.4.


Note, I will throw out scotty-2.0.0 and tkined-1.3.3 tomorrow (what a
promise). So perhaps it is better to wait.

