Guidelines for the Submission of Papers


We encourage you to submit a paper to the ACM Sigcomm 97 conference. In order to ensure a successful submission, please read the following guidelines. Authors should follow a simple five step procedure:
  1. Prepare your paper according to the preparation guidelines.
  2. Prepare a File Name according to the naming guidelines.
  3. Store your paper in our file server.
  4. Send us an e-mail with adequate information, as explained in the submission guidelines.
  5. Wait for a confirmation, as explained in the notification guidelines.
If for some reason you want to submit a paper but cannot follow these procedures, please contact the program co-chairs:

Program Co-Chairs:
Christian Huitema
Bellcore, MCC 1J236B
445 South Street
Morristown, NJ 07960-6438
201-829-4266 (phone)
201-829-2504 (fax)
Scott Shenker
Xerox PARC
3333 Coyotte Hill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304-1314
415-812-4840 (phone)
415-812-4471 (fax )

Preparation Guidelines

Besides the technical content, there are four important issues to keep in mind when preparing your paper: the basic format, related papers, anonymity, and deadlines.

Basic Format: Papers must be less than 20 double-spaced pages long (or 12 pages in camera-ready format). The first page of the paper should contain the same title and 100-150 words abstract that will be sent in the e-mail message. The paper should be submitted as postscript files. The file must be a single postscript file using only commonly available fonts and formatted for a generic postscript printer. All figures must be within the postscript file. If non-standard fonts are needed or figures cannot be included within the postscript file, then you must submit hard copies instead of submitting electronically. Please use U.S. letter size paper, not A4, since our printer is not able to print A4 size paper. Do not compress or encrypt the file!

Related Papers: The paper should be original material presenting ideas and results that have not been previously published nor are currently under review by another conference or journal. Any previous or simultaneous publication of related material should be explicitly noted in the submission, and the relationship to the submitted paper should be clearly spelled out (perhaps in a footnote or an appendix); e.g., the previous paper contained the basic design of the protocol, whereas the submitted paper presents an extensive simulation study of the protocol. In order to preserve anonymity, you may elect to more completely spell out this relation in the e-mail described below, but the submission must mention these related papers.

Anonymity: All submitted papers will be judged based on their quality and relevance through double-blind reviewing where the identities of the authors are withheld from the reviewers, and vice-versa. Authors' names should not appear on the paper or in the postscript file for electronic submissions; authors names should only be known by the program chairs. Thus, when referencing their related papers, authors may choose to insert the phrase ``reference omitted to preserve anonymity'' in the bibliography. In such cases, the omitted references must be included in the e-mail described below.

Deadlines: Papers should be submitted before the submission deadline, January 31, 1997. Due to the high number of anticipated submissions, authors are encouraged to strictly adhere to the submission date. Papers will not be accepted after the paper submission deadline unless an extension has been granted by the Program Co-Chairs.

Naming Guidelines

Because your name does not appear anywhere in the file that you submit, the name of that file will be its sole identifier. The name should have the following structure:


The first characters in the name should be exactly SIGCOMM97, because the file server may be use for other purposes than just submitting Sigcomm papers.

The following characters (XYZ in our example) are the author initials. The next characters are taken from the date and time at which you prepare your submission. They are the month (01), day of the month (13), hour (09), minutes (25) and seconds (12). The idea there is to come out with a string that uniquely identifies your paper. Don't worry about the risk that using your initials would interfere with anonymity. Only the program co-chairs will see the file name; it will be changed to something that even you cannot guess before being submitted to reviewers.

File Server

You will use anonymous FTP to place a copy of your paper in the Bellcore's incoming file server, "". A typical interaction will look like this:

Connected to
220 thumper FTP server (Version wu-2.4(2) Fri Nov 18 10:39:08 EST 1994)
Name ( anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
Password: ************************
230-Please read the file README
230-  it was last modified on Fri Dec  9 13:17:10 1994 - 719 days ago
230-Please read the file README.ka9q
230-  it was last modified on Mon Feb  5 10:27:01 1996 - 296 days ago
230-Please read the file README.metamail
230-  it was last modified on Fri Jun  5 07:29:21 1992 - 1635 days ago
230-Please read the file README.mgr
230-  it was last modified on Wed Oct 25 15:35:57 1995 - 399 days ago
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
ftp> cd incoming
250 CWD command successful.
ftp>put SIGCOMM97-XYZ-0113092512.PS
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for submission.html.
226 Transfer complete.
local: submission.html remote: SIGCOMM97-XYZ-0113092512.PS
5185 bytes sent in 0.064 seconds (79 Kbytes/s)
ftp> quit
221 Goodbye.
At this point, the paper is stored in the file server. Note that the file server is write only, so that no unauthorized person can access your file. In fact, we will pick it shortly after its transmission and store it in our data base of submitted papers, where it will be entirely secure... But the submission is not complete yet. You have to send an e-mail to the program co-chairs as described below.

Submission Guidelines

The formal submission is done by sending an e-mail message to the program co-chairs, at the address (Please don't use our personal addresses, that would just make our job harder). The message should include the following information: An example a submission message may be:
Subject: submission to Sigcomm 97

File: SIGCOMM97-XYZ-0113092512.PS

On the importance of networks

The rapid pace of progress of civilisation and networking is
leading mankind towards places where the hand of the woman never
set foot.  Game theory, and specifically the theory of stochastic
games, is an essential tool for modelling the conflicts that will
arise between tag switching, cell switching and the resolution of
universal resource names.  It leads to an unification theory based
on quantum fields of information where speed of propagation is
only bounded by the speed of light.  The maximum size of the
networked universe can thus be dimensioned by the FOOBAR constant
of networking.  Our reduced  size simulation of the networked
universe convinced us that the value of the FOOBAR constant is hard
to ascertain.  Possible choices are 2, 7 and 101.

Omitted References:

[5] On the superiority of French wine
Christian Huitema
Computer Communication Reviews
Volume 14, No. 3, pages 13-27, 1996.

[13] Quantum queueing
Scott Shenker
Transactions on Networking
Volume 27, No. 2, pages 452-567, 1992.

[101] FOOBAR Switching
Christian Huitema and Scott Shenker
Submitted to Infocom '97


Christian Huitema
Bellcore, MCC 1J236B
445 South Street
Morristown, NJ 07960-6438

Scott Shenker
Xerox PARC
3333 Coyotte Hill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304-1314

Corresponding Author: Christian Huitema

Notification Guidelines

When we receive your submission message, we will store it in the conference database, and send you an acknowledgement within a day.

We will then check that the corresponding file was properly received in our file server, and that the Postscript file can be properly processed. If everything works well, we will send you within a week a formal notification that should read like:

Your paper, "On the importance of networks", has been successfully
from the file "SIGCOMM97-XYZ-0113092512.PS".  Thank you for your
to Sigcomm 97.
If for some reason we cannot retrieve your submission file, or if there is a problem with the file (e.g., you used some arcane Postscript command that our printer cannot swallow), we will send you an e-mail asking you to correct the problem.

Once submitted, the paper will be reviewed and you will be notified of its status, as explained in the Call for papers.