Andreas Fieger

(Bild von mir) pic

Institut für Betriebsysteme und
und Rechnerverbund (IBR)

Universität Braunschweig
Bültenweg 74/75
D-38106 Braunschweig

Tel: +49 531 391 3250
Fax: +49 531 391 5936

I am working at the IBR in the group of Professor Zitterbart.

Research Interests

point Communication Systems
point Wireless/Mobile Communications (Wireless LANs, GSM...)
point Internet Protocols (IP, MobileIP, TCP ...)
point QoS support in the Internet
point Simulation of computer networks


Future networking environment may be hybrid, i.e. consisting of both wireless and fixed networks. That means transmission paths consist of links that differ strongly with respect to their transmission characteristics (biterror rate, available bandwith, burst errors). Therefore arises the questions, if these different characteristics can be kept transparent to the transport-layer of the ISO/OSI reference model. In our opinion these different characteristics can not be handled in a transparent manner. The transport connection, traditionally operating end-to-end, therefore is splitted into two types of transport connections, the first one operating over the wired subnetwork and the second one operating over the wireless network. This spliting enables the proper use of protocol mechanisms with respect to the different characteristics of these networks. A detailed project description (unfortunately only in German) can be found here.


point papers and slices of talks


A collection of links pointing to
point institutions doing research in the area of (wireless) communications
point data-bases containing papers about wireless communications
point online magazines about wireless communications
point vendors of wireless products
point standardization institutes

Zu vergebende Studien/Diplomarbeiten

point derzeit sind keine Studien- bzw. Diplomarbeiten zu vergeben