== OPERATORS (room 11) == Prosper Chemouil [O] James Won-Ki Hong [R] Simon Leinen [O] Jean Theunissen [O] Jae-Hyoung Yoo [O] Aiko Pras [R] == Questions == [O1] Is there a future for general purpose management platforms, like OpenView, or will operators primarily rely on home-baked scripts? If the later, are there any reusable building blocks missing that can reduce the costs of the in-house development of management systems? [O2] What are the major differences between network management and service management? Are there other different types of management? [O3] It is more than 20 years ago that FCAPS have been defined as the five main management areas. Does this still hold, are some areas outdated or do we need to add others? [O4] How much research is needed on (a) the integration of network and service management with business processes and goals and (b) the costs / benefit analysis of network and service management? And who is qualified to do this kind of research? [O5] How much is network/service management a factor of competition between operators? Is knowledge about how you run a network or provide a service a business secret? Do you expect to change this over the next five years? [O6] Is research needed to improve the human interface of management systems (e.g., visualization techniques)? [O7] How can the research community evaluate whether novel ideas and approaches work in practice? [O8] How do you monitor research and capitalize research results? [O9] Where does management start and end? Should we even consider to manage customer devices (terminals)? [O10] From an OPEX perspective, what are the three most important research questions to be addressed in the next five years?