[tkined] One more question about command GET

From: Jurkin Drazen (drazen.jurkin@siemens.hr)
Date: Thu May 17 2001 - 12:12:54 MET DST

Hello *;

Please can you help me with this:

I'm trying to use get command from my TCL script

set value [$s get $mib_oid1]
puts $value

but I receive the following message:
noSuchName 0 { NULL {}}

But, if I use getnext instead of get command, I got the following:
{ Integer32 1}

Using MG -SOFT Browser, I got the following:

Operation: Get
Request binding:
1: forcedLUPbyMsubAdmin.0 (null) null
Response binding:
1: forcedLUPbyMsubAdmin.0 (integer) yes(1)

(It seems OK to me).
Do you have an idea what is happening here?

Thanks a lot.

Best Regards

Drazen Jurkin

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