[tkined] Problems with "IP-Trouble"

Carsten Meyer (metallicus@t-online.de)
Tue, 25 May 1999 17:29:33 +0200

Hi all,

I have a problem with the "IP-Trouble" Menu. When I call the Menupoint
"IP-Trouble" in the "Tools" Menu, ant than i call for example "Ping" or other,
than a dialog opens and the result of the action is comming up - That's ok !
Now I close this Summary-Dialog and repeat the Action (like Ping or other),
then the Window doesn't open, all following actions failed ;-(

Has anybody an Idea ? I'm using "scotty-98-11-04" / TCL-TK 8.0.5 under
LinuX 2.2.5 on KDE 1.1.1 (similiar KDE 1.1 and Enlightenment is the same
problem ;-( )


| Carsten Meyer metallicus@t-online.de |
| Deutsche Telekom AG Intelligent Networks |
| Office = ++49 40 4110 4438 Private = ++49 4141 921825 |

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