[tkined] Converting Time Types

Sean Watkins (sean@northrock.bm)
Wed, 20 Jan 1999 11:25:01 -0400

Anyone have any code to easily cast Time Tick types?

Ie, I'm looking at a frame circuit... at the

LastTimeChanged and CreationTime for a PVC

According to the mib:

CreationTime - The value of sysUpTime when the virtual cir-
cuit was created
LastTimeChaned - The value of sysUpTime when last there was a

So, I can get the "sysUpTime" without any problems... but it is always returned
as Time Tick variable... is there any way to cast these to return Counter
instead? Then I could subtract the above from sysUptime, then using time()
figure out an appoximate time/date when the event happened?

Sean Watkins

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