[tkined] Scotty installation problems on Solaris 2.5.1 for Sparc

Barry Ayow (barry@educ.lsuc.on.ca)
Sat, 22 Nov 1997 23:45:21 -0500


following on this message from another subscriber:

"I was trying today to see if I could get Scotty 2.1.7 compiled and
installed on my (Sparc) Solaris 2.6 system; after some modifications to
the generated Makefile (mainly adding a -DHAVE_RPCENT to the CFLAGS), I
got this error in the installation, which I tracked down to the
execution of the 'scotty' binary:
upuaut# scotty
initialization failed: couldn't load file
"/usr/local/lib/tnm2.1.7.so":ld.so.1: scotty: fatal: relocation error:
file /usr/local/lib/tnm2.1.7.so: symbol __inet_addr: referenced symbol
not found"
- - Under Solaris 2.6, the inet_addr routine has been moved to library
/usr/lib/libxnet.so.1, so I added -lxnet to LIBS; didn't work...
- - I added /usr/local/lib to my LD_LIBRARY_PATH before compiling;
seem to help either..."

....I seemed to encounter a problem similar to this when attempting to
install the program. it was as follows:
# make install
Installing scotty2.1.7 and tnm2.1.7.so
Installing ./../tnm/library/README
Installing ./../tnm/library/dialog.tcl
Installing ./../tnm/library/output.tcl
Installing ./../tnm/library/snmp.tcl
Installing ./../tnm/library/monitor.tcl
Installing ./../tnm/library/obsolete.tcl
Installing ./../tnm/library/init.tcl
initialization failed: couldn't load file "/usr/local/lib/tnm2.1.7.so":
./scotty: fatal: relocation error: symbol not found: Tcl_FreeFile:
referenced i
n /usr/local/lib/tnm2.1.7.so
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `tnm-install-library'

While the complaint refers to a different symbol, is it possible that
the source of the problem is the same? I am using Solaris 2.5.1 or
SunOS 5.5.1 on the Sparc platform.
I am also using gcc v2.7.2.3. Can anyone offer any suggestions?

Thanks in advance

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