Can't get tkined to load some of my MIBs

Mon, 19 May 1997 00:37:15 -0700 (PDT)


Spent the weekend installing, configuring, and playing with tkined and
scotty (2.1.5)

First, a little bug (or is it a bug?) that I had to correct for mibtree to

$ add checkbutton -label "Strict Motif" \
-offvalue 0 -onvalue 1 -variable tk_strictMotif
#set tk_strictMotif $default(strictMotif)
(I had to comment line 211)

Here is the error message I had before the patch:
can't set "tk_strictMotif": bad option "add": should be bind, or raise
while executing
"set tk_strictMotif $default(strictMotif)"
(procedure "NewView" line 154)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"set c [NewView]..."
(file "/usr/local/lib/tkined1.4.5/apps/mibtree" line 1182)

But let's get back to business.

The procedure for adding entreprise MIBs is:
copy to tnm2.1.5/mibs
run scotty as root (to be able to write in /usr/local) and do
mib load mibname
for all the mibs I copied to that directory.

This compiles them, and creates indexes in tnm2.1.5/systemname/

Then, I created the following tnm2.1.5/site/init.tcl:
# MIB subtrees from ascend
lappend tnm(mibs) rfc1253.mib rfc1317.mib rfc1398.mib

# Various potentially useful MIB subtrees
lappend tnm(mibs) cisco.mib synoptics.mib wellfleet.mib
lappend tnm(mibs) unix.mib tubs-linux.mib hp-unix.mib

# Ascend
lappend tnm(mibs) ascend.mib ascendtrp.mib call.mib event.mib firewall.mib
lappend tnm(mibs) lmodem.mib mcast.mib radius.mib session.mib wan.mib

Did I get the procedure right?
(If yes, the documentation, doesn't make it clear that the mib load mibname
part is mandatory to create an index. Oh and one of the documents I read
said that I could use lappend scotty_mibs (instead of tnm(mibs)), but that
doesnt' work).

Is straps the program that moditors incoming SNMP traffic? If so why do I
get the following error message each time I lauch tkined and load my map:

moremagic:~$ psg straps
moremagic:~$ tkined &
[1] 13059
moremagic:~$ straps: unable to bind multicast trap socket: Address already
in use
moremagic:~$ psg straps
root 13064 0.6 1.0 880 336 ? S 00:17 0:00 /usr/local/bin/straps

The confusing part, is that I still receive traps anyway:

(With some MIBs missing)
Mon May 19 00:13:24 PDT 1997 SNMPv1 trap from []:
sysUpTime.0 = 63d 22:18:00.00
snmpTrapOID.0 =
enterprises.529. = 2
snmpTrapEnterprise.0 = enterprises.529.1.2.4

Mon May 19 00:13:27 PDT 1997 SNMPv1 trap from []:
sysUpTime.0 = 63d 22:18:03.00
snmpTrapOID.0 =
enterprises.529. = 2
snmpTrapEnterprise.0 = enterprises.529.1.2.4

(With the missing MIBs)
Mon May 19 00:26:42 PDT 1997 SNMPv1 trap from []:
sysUpTime.0 = 63d 22:31:17.00
snmpTrapOID.0 =
consoleIndex.2 = 2
snmpTrapEnterprise.0 = max4000

Mon May 19 00:26:45 PDT 1997 SNMPv1 trap from []:
sysUpTime.0 = 63d 22:31:21.00
snmpTrapOID.0 =
consoleIndex.2 = 2
snmpTrapEnterprise.0 = max4000

529 is ascend's number, and it's in the ascend.mib file that I'm supposed to
be loading (see init.tcl above). I even have the index file:
oremagic [mc]# grep 529 mibs/ascend.mib
ascend OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 529 }
moremagic [mc]# l mibs/ascend.mib
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 39164 May 18 23:32 mibs/ascend.mib
moremagic [mc]# l i586-Linux-2.0.30/ascend.mib.idy
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14890 May 18 23:33 i586-Linux-2.0.30/ascend.mib.idy

I have noticed however (with ls -lu) that the two above files are
accessed by tkined, but I don't know why it won't resolve:
snmpTrapOID.0 =

Any clue?

Thanks for your help,

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