Re: What is wrong with this picture? (more)

Doug Hughes (Doug.Hughes@Eng.Auburn.EDU)
Mon, 17 Mar 1997 08:53:09 -0600

>It's occurred to me that someone might take a look at my pleas for
>help and think "this guy just needs to read the FAQ". Here's a
>partial list of my attempts to follow the FAQ:
>(1) download mibs. (done, I have three: cisco-stack.mib hpicf.mib
>(2) test mibs. (done, I start scotty and type mib load ____.mib,
>works fine for each of the three).
>(3) Insert mibs in $tnm(library)/site
> I'm not clear on this notation $tnm(library). I've tried
>adding the mibs to /usr/local/lib/tnm2.1.5/site/. and to
>(4) Insert lappend tnm(mibs) ___.mib into init.tcl in same directory
> I've inserted three lappend lines into init.tcl in scotty/site
>and tnm2.1.4/site/. I've also inserted those lines into ~/.scottyrc
>Net result: nothing. More specifically, when I use "Walk MIB tree"
>from under SNMP Trouble, the system has no knowledge of the names
>defined in these mibs.
>I'm going to keep trying different things, and I'm going to keep
>trying to find more docs, and I'm going to look at the code through
>various debugging tools. Sooner, or later, I'm going to work this
>out. [Of course, as I find things that don't make sense (to me), I'll
>keep asking questions about them.]
>- --

I'm not sure if I completely understand, but it seem to me that you're
looking at the dotted nature of mib walk and expecting it to issue
OID names. It doesn't do that by default, but here's something that
you might like instead.

set s [snmp session]
$s configure -address (whatever)
$s walk x system {
puts -nonewline "[mib name [lindex [lindex $x 0] 0]]\t"
puts [lrange [lindex $x 0] 1 end]

This will put the instance name in the left column, followed by the tab
and then the Syntax and the value.

- --
Doug Hughes Engineering Network Services
System/Net Admin Auburn University

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