error compiling tkined 1.3.4 under BSDI 2.1

Stacy Trippe (
Fri, 8 Nov 1996 19:55:15 -0600 (CST)

The following error:

gcc -Wall -o tkined tkined.o editor.o objects.o methods.o misc.o flash.o html.o stripchart.o barchart.o Editor.o Diagram.o Command.o Tool.o Objects.o Dialog.o Html.o Event.o Help.o Misc.o /usr/lib/libtk4.0.a -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 /usr/lib/libtcl7.4.a -ldl -lm
OpenDis.o: Undefined symbol _shmat referenced from text segment
OpenDis.o: Undefined symbol _shmdt referenced from text segment
OpenDis.o: Undefined symbol _shmdt referenced from text segment
*** Error code 1 preventing me from successfully compiling tkined 1.3.4. Is there a
solution that someone has come across (rather than me re-inventing the wheel)?