Upgrade of Tcl and Scotty.

Marcelo Nobrega (mnobre@inf.puc-rio.br)
Mon, 7 Oct 96 23:17:31 EST

I'm running scotty2.0.2, tcl7.4 and tk4.0 in Linux 1.2.13 from slackware
3.0 and it works fine with my applications, but now I'm trying to upgrade to
tcl7.5 and tk4.1 to use scotty_2.1.4.

I downloaded tcl_7.5p1.gz and tk_4.1p1.gz, and the porting.notes
info4.0 and info4.1 (It was very useful to instalation in solaris 2.4
but didn't help me with linux).

The first problem was the absence of kernel source code (src) that
is optional for instalation and now i know it is very important to
compile Tcl/Tk.

The error message was:
/usr/include/bytesex.h:6: linux/version.h: No such file or directory

The linux directory had a link to an empty directory (..../src/...) !!!!
So I fix it (I think!).Because the compilation went ahead and stopped at
one new point:

Now my problem is the following error message:

/usr/include/asm/types.h:31: warning: empty declaration
/usr/include/asm/types.h:34: warning: empty declaration
./../generic/tclIOUtil.c: In function `TclCleanupChildren':
./../generic/tclIOUtil.c:553: storage size of `waitStatus' isn't known
make: *** [tclIOUtil.o] Error 1

I think anybody here have installed tlc7.4 for linux...
Can somebody help me ?

Thanks in advance.

Marcelo Nobrega

| |
| Marcelo G. W. da Nobrega e-mail: mnobre@inf.puc-rio.br |
| DTC-21 Embratel mgaspar@net.ebt.anrj.br |
| Av. Presidente Vargas 1012/1118 |
| Centro - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~mnobre |
| |

| |
| Marcelo G. W. da Nobrega e-mail: mnobre@inf.puc-rio.br |
| DTC-21 Embratel mgaspar@net.ebt.anrj.br |
| Av. Presidente Vargas 1012/1118 |
| Centro - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~mnobre |
| |