Re: "bug" report on scotty

Louis A. Mamakos (louie@TransSys.COM)
Fri, 27 Sep 1996 08:23:30 -0400

> What happens if you substitue all ::
> sequences by a character sequence not used by [incr tcl]? (You have to
> make this substitution in all generic/*.c and library/*.tcl files.)
> Let me know if this simple fix makes [incr tcl] happy.

I made the substitution (__ for ::), and rebuilt/reinstalled
everything. Based on some simple testing so far, things appear
to be working. I want to fool with it a bit further to get a bit
more confidence with it, and perhaps build a parallel, standard,
version to compare it with.

I don't really feel very comfortably saying that it "works" yet, because
I really haven't used tkined very much at all in the past. scotty
(and the Tnm extension loaded into other things) seem to be working
with [incr tcl] pretty well, so far.

Louis Mamakos