avoiding .scottyrc in scotty-2.1.x

Robert Premuz (rpremuz@srce.hr)
Thu, 26 Sep 1996 16:21:29 +0200 (MET DST)

Hello again,

The obsoleted scotty-2.0.x had the -n option for telling scotty not to
source ~/.scottyrc. On the other hand, scotty-2.1.x always source
~/.scottyrc and ~/.tclshrc. Now, I'd like to know is there a way to
avoid this feature of the new scotty, i.e. tnm. (To remind you, tclsh
sources ~/.tclshrc only when invoked interactively.)

BTW, the $tnm(library)/library/README file in scotty-2.1.4 says
nothing about the obsolete.tcl file. How come? (You know, I'm a bit
old-fashioned :-)

-- rpr. : Robert B. Premuz * Email: rpremuz@public.srce.hr
http://public.srce.hr/~rpremuz/ * Voice at home: +385 (0)1 687564