Problem with "Remote tkined"

Beata Pruski (
Wed, 04 Sep 1996 14:02:37 CDT

I am trying to get a remote access to tkined through the "Remote tkined"
When I choose "Listen" option, set "Listening" and "Silent Accept" to true,
what I am getting is:

invalid command name "rpc"
while executing
"rpc register $server ComAccept"
(procedure "ComListen" line 26)
invoked from within
"ComListen 6660"
invoked from within
"set port [ComListen 6660]..."
invoked from within
"if {$dolist == "true"} {
set port [ComListen 6660]
if {[catch {exec hostname} host]} {
set host "localhost"
if {$port != ""} {
(procedure "Listen" line 12)
invoked from within
"Listen {}"

The "rpc" command is not being recognized. Did I miss something during
installation/configuration? I appriciate any advice (I am a novice in Tcl/Tk).