Re[2]: Tkined 1.4.0 event processing

mark newnham at HZBNO05A MAN - GBGMT000 (
Fri, 12 Jul 1996 11:04:22 EDT

>> There is possibly a problem with event processing using the local
>> syslog file option in tkined 1.4.0. No events are transferred from
>> syslog to tkined. I applied the following changes to
>> shows that as soon as an event is logged into syslog, the Job is
>> destroyed with an error 34.
>No, your patch just shows that the last line had a length of 34
>bytes. You have to change the catch command to get the reason:

>if {[catch {
>while {[gets $syslog line] > 0} {
>ev_convert $line
>}] msg} {
>ined acknowledge "Job destroyed: $msg"
>[job current] destroy

>This will show you why the job is destroyed.
I get "??? Jul 12 16:44:52 expected integer but got "MET"

Mark Newnham
Haagen Dazs