BUG in SNMPv1 Traps

Graeme McKerrell (graemem@pdd.3com.com)
Mon, 01 Jul 1996 07:39:19 +0100

I noticed earlier today that scotty2.1.0 is incorrect in the way that
it sends generic SNMPv1 traps. I checked the same thing with scotty2.0.1 and
found that it too was wrong but in a different way.

Trap sent from scotty using 'snmp1 trap coldStart ""'
snmp1 configuration:
-community public -address -port 162 -timeout 5 -retries 3
send 43 bytes []:
30 28 SEQUENCE OF (40 bytes)
02 01 00 INTEGER (0)
04 06 70 75 62 6c 69 63 community "public" OCTET_STRING
a4 1b Application[4]
06 07 2b 06 01 04 01 8d 25 enterprise RUBBISH OID iso.
40 04 a1 47 46 7a SRC_IP Application[0]
02 01 00 generic 0 INTEGER (6)
02 01 00 specific 0 INTEGER (0)
43 02 10 04 timeTicks 0d 0:00:16.04 Application[3]
30 00 (no-varBinds) SEQUENCE OF (0 bytes)
The enterprise OID is rubbish!! but the generic and specific values are

Trap sent from scotty using 'snmp1 trap coldStart ""'
snmp1 configuration:
-community generic -address -port 162 -version SNMPv1
-timeout 5 -retries 3 -window 10 -delay 0
send 43 bytes []:
30 29 SEQUENCE OF (41 bytes)
02 01 00 INTEGER (0)
04 07 67 65 6e 65 72 69 63 community "generic" OCTET_STRING
a4 1b Application[4]
06 06 2b 06 01 02 01 0b enterprise snmp OID iso.
40 04 a1 47 46 7a SRC_IP Application[0]
02 01 06 generic 6 INTEGER (6)
02 01 00 specific 0 INTEGER (0)
43 03 07 c5 d8 timeTicks 0d 1:24:54.00 Application[3]
30 00 (no-varBinds) SEQUENCE OF (0 bytes)
The error is in specifying generic=6 and specific=0
for a generic SNMPv1 trap the generic integer should be set to the required
trap number.
0 coldStart
1 warmStart
2 linkDown
3 linkUp
4 authenticationFailure
5 egpNeighborLoss
6 enterprise - use the value of 'specific'

The trap which is being generated translates as
"An enterprise specific trap of ID 0, where the enterprise is 'snmp'"
instead of
"Generic trap 0"

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| graemem@pdd.3com.com | |
| | |