UNIX SNMPv2C agent version 2

Robert Premuz (rpremuz@srce.hr)
Wed, 26 Jun 1996 13:42:26 +0200 (MET DST)

Dear scotty/tkined users,

I'd like to announce a UNIX SNMPv2C agent version 2 which I made using
scotty version 2.0.2 (now obsoleted). The agent can be used for
monitoring and controlling some states of a UNIX system (users, groups
of users, processes, memory, and file system). Currently, it runs on
Solaris 2.x and SunOS 4.x systems.

Probably, the agent is not a typical agent one would make using scotty
because UNIX hosts usually come with much better native SNMP agents
made by the OS manufacturers. Yet, if you ever had difficulties in
writing your own SNMP agents using scotty, I'd suggest reading some
additional documentation on this topic which can be found with the
sources of my agent (look at the Scotty_agent_manual file).

The UNIX agent can be retrieved at:


During the last 6 months, I complained many times about various
inefficiencies of scotty to the mailing list, but in spite of them,
I've managed to make my agent work, and hence, my conclusion is that
scotty is a respectable SNMP tool which you can get almost for free.

Thanks a lot to the authors of scotty for the hard work they have been
doing to the benefit of the Internet community.

Best regards.

P.S. Some time ago, I sent the sources of the UNIX agent to some
people, and as I updated the manuals meanwhile, I'd suggest retrieving
the sources again.

-- rpr. : Robert B. Premuz * Email: rpremuz@public.srce.hr
http://public.srce.hr/~rpremuz/ * Voice at home: +385 (0)1 687564