Re: Proper way to write an original agent?

Robert Premuz (
Mon, 24 Jun 1996 16:52:52 +0200 (MET DST)

On Mon, 24 Jun 1996, Jan-Peter Richter wrote:
: [snip]
: > I needed to monitor an Ascend Pipeline Max 4000. I needed to monitor
: > the number of open B channels and the number of modems in use.
: > Looking at the Ascend MIB
: > (, I didn't find any
: > SNMP variable that represents the number of open B channels or the
: > number of modems in use. But I knew I can easily compute these
: > numbers from other SNMP variables. So I wrote an SNMP agent in scotty
: > which computes these numbers from other SNMP variables. But what SNMP
: > variables should I use to return the computed numbers? Now I'm using
: > ifMtu.1 to represent the number of open B channels and ifMtu.2 to
: > represent the number of modems if use, and my tkined window has two
: > graphs representing these two numbers. So it works for me, but is
: > there more proper way of writing an SNMP agent like this?
: As far as I understand SNMP network management philosophy, calculation
: of derived measures should be done by the NM application, not the (or an
: additional) agent. So the "proper way" would be to not write an agent
: at all. (I may be wrong on this, and if I am, please correct me.)

I agree with Jan-Peter. So, Tatsuo, simply, make tkined compute the
derived variables before drawing them and you won't need the agent at
-- rpr. : Robert B. Premuz
Internet: * Voice at home: +385 (0)1 687564