scotty warning messages

Phil Gaskell (
Mon, 29 Apr 96 17:03:19 GMT

I am sorry if this question has been asked/solved a zillion times but I have
trolled through the archives & FAQs & not found the answer so I hope that some
of you guys(& gals) might be able to help me.

1) I have compiled scotty-1.2.5 with tcl7.3 & tk3.6b, on both SunOS 4.1.2 &
HP-UX 9.0.5 with minimal hassle but I get

Warning: Command "addinput missing"
Warning: Command "removeinput missing"

when running scwish. It does not cause me a problem but gives out annoying
messages. Have I missed a compile option? Moveing to scotty 2.x is not a
valid option for me just yet cos I need to convert too many scripts to tk4.0
at the moment. I will move over when time permits.

2) How can I change the font used by tkerror, I came accross a system that does
not have the default font present which makes life hard when debugging
error messages. I cannot seem to get it too change with just the "option
database" Is there a more global method.

Sorry if I am asking thick questions......



| Phil Gaskell. | |
| Senior Support Engineer. | Tel. (44) 01293 443072 |
| digicon geophysical Ltd. | Fax. (44) 01293 443010 |
| |
| All views expressed are my own.... |