Question regarding installation - Sunos - Solaris

Dave DeChellis (dave@Think.COM)
Tue, 16 Apr 1996 12:48:43 -0400 (EDT)

Hello, I recently obtained the latest version and I've been having problems
compiling the program on both my solaris/sunos machines.

On my sun machine, I'm confident that my tk/tcl libraries/includes are pretty
new , but I get the following error trying to compile with CC

cc -o tkined tkined.o editor.o objects.o methods.o misc.o flash.o stripchart.o barchart.o Editor.o Diagram.o Command.o Tool.o Objects.o Dialog.o Help.o Misc.o em_bind.o -L/usr/local/lib -ltk -L/usr/local/lib -ltcl -L/usr/X11/lib -lX11 -lm
ld: Undefined symbol
*** Error code 2
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `tkined'


On my solaris machine, when I compile with CC (I'm almost posistive that the
tk/tcl libraries/includes are up to date, I get the following errors
when I add the path to my X includes (/usr/X11R6/include) :

cc -c -O -I. -DHAVE_SOCKETPAIR=1 -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1 -DTKINEDLIB=\"/usr/local/lib/tkied\" -I/usr/local/include -I./compat -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/X11/include -I/usr/X11R6/include tkined.c
"./compat/tkInt.h", line 214: syntax error before or at: Tk_ColorModel
"./compat/tkInt.h", line 214: cannot recover from previous errors
cc: acomp failed for tkined.c
*** Error code 2
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `tkined.o'

Any help will be appriciated.....When I try using GCC, I get a whole screen full
of errors so I have a feeling that the problem isn't the compiler .... Thanks alot.

(PS the version of solaris is 2.5)