scotty 2.0.2 compile error on linux 1.2.0/gcc 2.5.8

Udo Bürgel (
Mon, 18 Dec 1995 13:24:47 +0100


A few days ago (Bernd Hentig) reported
some problems during compilation of scotty-2.0.2.
I do also have problems compiling scotty-2.0.2 on my linux-box
(linux 1.2.0/gcc 2.5.8) with quite similar error messages:

cc -o scotty scotty.o libscotty.a /usr/local/lib/libtk4.0.a -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11
-ltclx /usr/local/lib/libtcl7.4.a -L/usr/homes/buergel/Minerva/lib -lmsql -lexpect -lieee -lm
libscotty.a(sunrpc.o): Undefined symbol _etherproc_on_1 referenced from text segment
libscotty.a(sunrpc.o): Undefined symbol _etherproc_getdata_1 referenced from text segment
libscotty.a(sunrpc.o): Undefined symbol _etherproc_off_1 referenced from text segment
libscotty.a(sunrpc.o): Undefined symbol _etherproc_getdata_1 referenced from text segment
make: *** [scotty] Error 1

I am quite sure that I used the same compiler in all subdirectories.

Any ideas for help???
