where did colors and line go ??

Bob Jaques (jaques@lsil.com)
Wed, 13 Sep 95 13:24:06 PDT

I am missing colors and lines from the icon menu. I added a couple of items in
Could I have exceeded some parameters?

! Configuration of tkined. The original ined version used the
! X11 ressource format (xrdb) but unfortunately tk has no mechanism
! to query the ressource database for this purpose. So tkined searches
! $tkined_path for default files like this one.
tkined.width: 600
tkined.height: 400
tkined.node1: pc.xbm PC
tkined.node2: unixpc.xbm UNIX-PC
tkined.node3: mac.xbm Macintosh
tkined.node4: mx.xbm MX-?00
tkined.node5: Xstation.xbm X-Terminal
tkined.node6: SUN-Server.xbm Sun:Sparc Server
tkined.node7: SparcStation.xbm Sun:Sparc Station
tkined.node8: IPC.xbm Sun:Sparc IPC / IPX
tkined.node9: SLC.xbm Sun:Sparc SLC / ELC
tkined.node10: SUN3.xbm Sun:Sun 3
tkined.node11: HP.xbm HP WS
tkined.node12: RS6000.xbm RS 6000
tkined.node13: DEC.xbm DEC System
tkined.node14: DEC-Server.xbm DEC Server
tkined.node15: locker.xbm Host / Server
tkined.node16: hyper.xbm Hyper Cube
tkined.node17: parsytec.xbm Parsytec Xplorer
tkined.node18: SEPARATOR
tkined.node19: bridge.xbm Network Comp:Bridge
tkined.node20: concent.xbm Network Comp:Concentrator
tkined.node21: switch.xbm Network Comp:Switch
tkined.node22: tserver.xbm Network Comp:Terminal Server
tkined.node23: router.xbm Network Comp:Router
tkined.node24: cisco.xbm Network Comp:Cisco
tkined.node25: alantec.xbm Network Comp:Alantec
tkined.node26: baynet.xbm Network Comp:Wellfleet
tkined.node27: modem.xbm Peripherals:Modem
tkined.node28: phone.xbm Peripherals:Phone
tkined.node29: printer.xbm Peripherals:Printer
tkined.node30: laser.xbm Peripherals:Laser Printer
tkined.node31: pserver.xbm Peripherals:Print Server
tkined.node32: HP7550.xbm Peripherals:HP Plotter 7550
tkined.node33: HPdj.xbm Peripherals:HP DeskJet
tkined.node34: HPsj.xbm Peripherals:HP ScanJet
tkined.node35: smallBox.xbm Misc:Small Box
tkined.node36: Box.xbm Misc:Normal Box
tkined.node37: bigBox.xbm Misc:Big Box
tkined.node38: connector.xbm Misc:Connector
tkined.node39: clock.xbm Misc:Clock
tkined.node40: SEPARATOR
tkined.group1: ring.xbm Topology:Ring
tkined.group2: bus.xbm Topology:Bus
tkined.group3: backbone.xbm Topology:Backbone
tkined.group4: fddiring.xbm Topology:FDDIring
tkined.group5: site.xbm Topology:Site
tkined.group6: text.xbm Special:Text
tkined.group7: action.xbm Special:Active Monitor
tkined.group8: world.xbm Special:World
tkined.group9: SEPARATOR
tkined.network1: 1 SLIP / PPP
tkined.network2: 2 4MB Token Ring
tkined.network3: 3 10MB Ethernet
tkined.network4: 4 16MB Token Ring
tkined.network5: 5 FDDI
tkined.network6: SEPARATOR
tkined.reference1: tkined.xbm tkined
tkined.reference2: SEPARATOR
tkined.color1: white White
tkined.color2: green3 Green
tkined.color3: red1 Red
tkined.color4: blue1 Blue
tkined.color5: brown3 Brown
tkined.color6: orange1 Orange
tkined.color7: yellow1 Yellow
tkined.color8: SEPARATOR
tkined.font1: -*-courier-medium-r-normal--*-100-* Courier:C 10
tkined.font2: -*-courier-medium-r-normal--*-120-* Courier:C 12
tkined.font3: -*-courier-medium-r-normal--*-140-* Courier:C 14
tkined.font4: -*-courier-medium-r-normal--*-180-* Courier:C 18
tkined.font5: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-100-* Helvetica:H 10
tkined.font6: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-120-* Helvetica:H 12
tkined.font7: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-140-* Helvetica:H 14
tkined.font8: -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-180-* Helvetica:H 18
tkined.font9: -*-times-medium-r-normal--*-100-* Times-Roman:T 10
tkined.font10: -*-times-medium-r-normal--*-120-* Times-Roman:T 12
tkined.font11: -*-times-medium-r-normal--*-140-* Times-Roman:T 14
tkined.font12: -*-times-medium-r-normal--*-180-* Times-Roman:T 18
tkined.font13: SEPARATOR
tkined.dashes1: 2 S
tkined.dashes2: 4 So
tkined.dashes3: 6 Sol
tkined.dashes4: 8 Soli
tkined.background: blue
tkined.interpreter1: manager.tcl