Re: Scotty + Expect shell (2nd try)

Juergen Schoenwaelder (
Tue, 8 Aug 1995 16:24:32 +0200


Charles Menser <cmenser@PigsEye.Kennesaw.EDU> said:

Charles> I sent this about two weeks ago, and did not get a
Charles> response. So I will try again.

Charles> Has anyone used make-a-wish (or any other means) to
Charles> create a shell combining scotty and expect?

OK, I did not respond because I probably can't help very much as I
never tried to do this myself. I have heard that it won't work out of
the box because make-a-wish makes some assumptions about the main()
program. Scotty uses a quite non-standard main as it is event-driven.

If no-one else ever did it, you have to try yourself. I never worked
with expect but I do not expect it to be too difficult.
